had some clots last night :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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so last night i had a little bit of cramp in my lower part of stomach, i then went to toilet and past a few clots, they werent big, just the size of a penny. I went up to the out of hours doctors last night and they said its hard to say if everything is ok so i need to wait to monday to phone the EPU. i,m soo scared. ive got a feeling that its happening again. Some people have said this can be normal and may be because the internal scan i had on thursday. I dont know though. Has anyone else had the same experience?? xx
Aww hunni, I didnt want to read and run just wanted to say fingers crossed for everything, hope you get a scan sorted soon xxxx
ooh i hope its ok hun, ive not had anything like that but this is my first time so its all new to me, had one spot after sex once and thats it, got practically no symptoms really either so either im lucky or something is very wrong lol. just gotta chill and wait and see. fx for you x
Hope all go's well monday Hun, try not to worry till then I know that will be hard xxxx
fingers crossed for you xx

i didnt have anythin after my internal scan, but every1 is different, will b thinkin of u xx :hug:
Keeping everything crossed for you hun.


Thanks ladies, i wish they would just give me a scan today. its really hard having to wait about for a few days. i think that its terrible that the EPU is closed at the weekend as people may need scans in an emergency, instead they have to wait all this time then possibly have to wait another few days if theve got no appointments. I will keep you all posted anyway xx
if you are very worried go to a&e and demand to be seen, don't take no for an answer! good luck and i hope everything is ok for you. I have been having problems myself but my bloods where taken today and showed good results, just waiting for my internal scan tuesday.
Sorry to read this sammi, I'm not suprised your scared by it. I really hope you get a scan on Monday and that everything is ok.
I bled after my internal for 2 days - MW says it is totally normal - I hope everything is ok for you hun x
Hun just popping in from tri 2, I had a heavy bleed after my internal scan followed by spotting for nearly 2 weeks, had a scan and all was well with my LO! Got everything crossed for you! I no how scary and stressful it can be! But do try and relax, put your feet up and take it easy! Have you had anything since? Xx
Hope everything is ok Hun. Will be thinking of you tomorrow xx

FX for you Hun, hope all's ok, have you still got bleeding or has it stopped?


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