had scan.......starting to get scared!


May 18, 2008
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Had my 20 week scan yesterday and all seems well. It is a bit of a relief even though I didn't think anything was wrong - it's good to hear that everything looks as it should!! We didn't find out if it's a girl or boy so going for a surprise. Thing is, I came home and just burst into tears - I'm getting a bit stressed and scared about the labour and birth. Anyone else feel like this or got any advice?? thanks, Libby
Glad the scan went well hun. the labour and birth isnt scaring me atall (its being able to cope afterwards thats worrying me as you will see from my recent post). Ive just purchased a hypnobirthing CD and book.. maybe an option for you to look into. My friend who is pregnant is going through similar emotions to you and is really worried about the birth.. The way i look at it is that woman do it everyday and then go onto do it again. It will all be worth it afterwards.

Hope you feel better soon,

Claire x
Glad to hear baby is well, and I think we all worry 99.9% of the time, its human nature!

I have given the birth some thought, and my only worry is ending up with some nasty tear, the rest Im not so worried about, and even considering trying with no pain relief (looking into water births at the moment).

Like Claire said women all over the world have babies every min, of every day and most have at least one other, so it cant be all that bad now can it?!

Hope you feel better soon.
At the start of this pregnancy I had an irrational fear of labour! Verging on tocophobia!!
Its gone now thankfully and Im looking forawrds to it!
Just try to tell yourself that is seems so much worse than it is! Yeh its painful etc but it so worth it and if it was that bad no one would have more!
Opt for an epidural! That way you wont have the pain! My cousins husband is a surgeon and cant understand why women choose NOT to have an epi!? lol Though that in itself scares me more! The thought of labour with no pain is weird haha

Have some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
There are some great books out there for anyone who is feeling scared. Hynobirthing as already mentioned... also Spiritual Midwifery and Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin :angel: this wonderful woman has single handedly removed all my fears and concerns about having this baby. Please try not to worry - the one thing I have learnt this pregnancy over and above everything else is that fear is really bad news for having a positive birthing experience - if you can get your head to a point of being laid back and accepting of anything that may happen to you or your baby, then it stops feeling like a summitless mountain and you can start to appreciate the amazing things about pregnancy. That might sound a bit drippy hippy but I am lucky to be sat here writing ten years on from having my son.. we nearly didn't make it and i had an awful lot of anxiety and fear from that experience that i have had to deal with and release so i can be in the right head space for this baby - and those books have helped enormously :hug: xxxx
Congratulations on a good scan, and good on you staying team green!

When I got scared I just thought of the weediest woman I know with kids & thought well if she can do it...

I remember having a panic at about 37/38 weeks last time thinking this baby has to come out! In reality I found labour to be not as bad as I expected - yeah it bloody hurt but it's absolutely worth it.

If you look into options now then you should be able to feel quite calm when it comes to it. I had a home birth last time which was the absolute right decision for me - I ended up needing no pain relief. It's different for everyone though, some people feel more at ease knowing there's an anaesthetist in the background, others are more comfortable in a familiar environment.

Anyway by the end of 3rd tri you're so uncomfortable & fed up you'd agree to deliver the baby through your nostril if you had too!
thanks everyone - I feel a bit better and will definitely check out suggestions for books/cd etc, might help me........THANK YOUxx

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