Thanks everyone for the nice messages

alfies doin really well, yeah sadly my daughter was born at 31 weeks.. and it seems i cant go full term which is horrible, cos this was my worst nightmare having to go through this again, but i kinda knew i would anyway,
I went to go see him earlier and he looks well

lily got to have a quick peak at her brother which was nice

Ill be leavin ward to go home in an hour or 2

i hate hospitals, dont wanna leave alfie but i got lily to look after to so its hard
Alfie was due on 23rd oct so a bit early but 4lz 15oz is good for a 7 week early baba

hes still tiny tho x
Thankyou. missj i hope everythings ok with you, i havnt checked your threads for a few days but i shall be stalking them when im hone and well... and wil/ be keeping my fingers crossed for your bfp.. ill get alfie to aswell xx