Had my prem little boy! :)

Thanks everyone for the nice messages :D alfies doin really well, yeah sadly my daughter was born at 31 weeks.. and it seems i cant go full term which is horrible, cos this was my worst nightmare having to go through this again, but i kinda knew i would anyway,
I went to go see him earlier and he looks well :) lily got to have a quick peak at her brother which was nice :D
Ill be leavin ward to go home in an hour or 2 :) i hate hospitals, dont wanna leave alfie but i got lily to look after to so its hard :(
Alfie was due on 23rd oct so a bit early but 4lz 15oz is good for a 7 week early baba :) hes still tiny tho x

Thankyou. missj i hope everythings ok with you, i havnt checked your threads for a few days but i shall be stalking them when im hone and well... and wil/ be keeping my fingers crossed for your bfp.. ill get alfie to aswell xx

Aw thank you hun. Not much has changed my end. Hope Aflie gets to come home soon, I was born 7 weeks early too, I weighed 3lb 14oz when I was born. :)

x x
Awww Missj sorry to hear that :( I Hope things get better for you to! im still gonna stalk your posts :P
thats not a bad weight though is it? :) x i was prem too 2 months early and weighed 3lb 11oz same as lily haha :)

aaaawww, congratulations hun, glad all is well and he is beautiful :-) xx
awww, look at him. He is gorgeous. Well done you and really hope you get to take him home soon. Congratulations on your early arrival xxx
Lovely little boy... Hard to think that is what I have inside of me now...

Am glad he is doing well... hope he comes home soon...
Oh my god he is soooooooooo cute :) Lovely little boy, thanks for sharing these pictures!!!
congrats, what precious pictures, he is simply beautiful. glad he is well xxx
HeHe Thanks girls :)
Alfies off CPAP now and breathing all on his own :) and his feeds are being put up every 6 hours.. i cant remember how much hes on atm though lol but he seems to be going through alot of milk! :)
i honestly cant wait to get him home! i also gotta say, when he was born they handed him to me and straight away i smelt his head (weird i know) but he smelt absolutly amazing, like a very sweet smell? with my daughter they never handed her to me she was whisked away straight away to Nicu but with alfie they handed him to me so i had more of a bond with him which was lovely :)

heres some more pictures taken Yesterday :)


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He's so gorgeous! Hopefully won't be too long until you can take your LO home!

HeHe Thanks girls :)
Alfies off CPAP now and breathing all on his own :) and his feeds are being put up every 6 hours.. i cant remember how much hes on atm though lol but he seems to be going through alot of milk! :)
i honestly cant wait to get him home! i also gotta say, when he was born they handed him to me and straight away i smelt his head (weird i know) but he smelt absolutly amazing, like a very sweet smell? with my daughter they never handed her to me she was whisked away straight away to Nicu but with alfie they handed him to me so i had more of a bond with him which was lovely :)

heres some more pictures taken Yesterday :)


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Aww he lovely. How much did he weigh? Hope you and him are ok.


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