Had my nose rubbed in it over crimbo


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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Just feeling sorry for myself today. Christmas eve I was surrounded by what I call "little accidents" and all the family saying how theres always an extra one each year. Urgh!!!! And then the in laws were saying they'll have a new dining table for net crimbo and as there is 5 of us for dinner they should get 5 chairs! All the while I was thinking, but what if theres 6!! I feel like just announcing to the whole family, "we're trying, we're going to need a bit of help, its killing me, so shut the f**k up!!"

Rant over, sorry! :wall:
Massive :hugs: hunny x x

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Hugs.... Mine are all on about my cousin (almost 40!) having her first in a few weeks and my little brother getting married in October... But hey, hopefully next Xmas I'll be making my 'announcment' my Xmas present...

You'll be there way before me hun, promise!!

Pfft - who the hell has has a table for 5 people anyway... it's either 4 or 6 or even 8 :roll:

...unless it's a round table...

It is thoroughly inconsiderate anyway!

Hope you're alright Traci :hug:
The worst part is I feel I cant tell anyone about ttc cos they'll all want daily updates! Then they all assume I dont want any children because we havent got pregnant yet!
Traci... if not telling them is causing you so much stress, what do you have to lose by telling them?

All you have to do is pull one person aside - the gob of the family unit (normally MIL) and let it all out.

Don't turn it into a pity parade "Poor me, i want a baby and everyone else has to be miserable until i have one" but just express that you are trying and you sometimes find it hard that you haven't managed to have one yet and although you don't want to talk about it, you wish people would understand it can be upsetting at times.

Then let that one person blab to everyone else and fingers crossed they'll take it into consideration in future without actually mentioning it to you because they didn't hear it from you directly in the first place.

You'll only have to deal with the gob.

My mum did that when i found a BFP announcement in my xmas card :wall2: She is the only one who knows we need IVF and she went round to everyone else saying not to mention the BFP on the basis we are ttc and might find it upsetting.

I wasn't any the wiser until i opened my card and no one wanted to discuss it afterwards either out of consideration for me, which although unnecessary was still much appreciated by me :)
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Sorry to hear that Traci... I had my first experience of feeling almost jealous today. Just found out a girl at work is pregnant and got a bit upset about it. But dh calmed me down and said I was being a bit silly, we're only in cycle 1. But we've been WTT for a year so it's still got me a bit down.

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