Had my consultant appointment and...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Fook :shock:

So for the past few evenings and today been having strong branston hickles, didnt really think about it, today i woke up feel very tired, but also had the hickles today which I thought nothing of but did think was odd...

So i had my appointment today regarding the scan (baby measuring large etc...) When i got there felt well uncomfy, and my tummy kept going hard, damn those Branston hickles!

Anyway the long and short was he is still measuring big, (ok we knew that :roll: ), she went out the room to chat with the lead consultant and came back and said she would give me a sweep if my cervix was favourable (ok didnt expect that) but I agreed, she did it and said my cervix was lovely and soft and ooo I was 1cm dialated :shock: (Hmmm didnt expect that either)...

The other thing was she booked me in for an induction next Monday :shock: (fck me! Deffo didn't expect that :shock: ). I asked her would that interfere with me having a water birth, she said only if I had to go on a drip. So i said ok.

Now im sat here thinking god knows what. Im not due til next Saturday, I didnt expect any of this, and now getting periody pains and back ache...

Im also thinking I could go into labour before Monday and now I don't know what to think... :shock: :shock:

Help me!!! :rotfl:
Woooo Sharne that was all very sudden! All the best, hope it starts something! :hug: :hug:
ooohhh i had crampiness and backache and just a feeling of general violation down there after my sweep- i had my baby 3 days later :) i bet you get a show soon :) :) Dont worry Sharne if it does start happening you'll be fine- your body kind of takes over anyway! i know its a bit scary but its exciting!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
oooooh! :D Yay for being 1cm! Good chance you could go soon!! If not then next Monday shall be your day Sharne!! :hug:
Oh wow Sharne!

It all sounds positive- Monday's a long way off- I reckon you'll go into labour on your own before they put Prostin gel anywhere near you!

Good luck honey and keep us posted!

Get ready to throw your current life out of the window :D
God Sharne!!! :shock: How exciting for you!!! I bet you must be bricking it, you poor love! :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: Have some of these and get some rest, you never know when baby Hay might put in an appearance! :cheer:

C xxx
Do bad moods go with sweeps?

Im in a foul mood now...

:evil: :evil: :evil: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
Wahaaaaay! Go Sharne...
Your bodies already started to do things on its own. It took me 8 days to get from 1cm to 10cm but its different for everyone.
Try not to be upset or moody cos your going to meet your little man at last!!!!
Good Luck with all. :hug: :hug:
Thats great news, and it sounds like you might not make it til then anyway :cheer: Cant wait to hear your labour news!! Looks like baby is just desperate to come out and try out his super cool nursery!! 8) xx
thats brilliant Sharne!

looks like you wont need the induction :D
I sneaked in to check on you. yey for 1 cm. Hope all goes well for you hun xxxx :hug:
WOO HOO!!! Go you!!

Not long now Mrs!! After everything you said, I very much doubt you'll need that induction date anyway!! :shakehead: Hayden sounds good and ready to arrive any time now so don't circle that date just yet :wink: :cheer:

Hmmm... We might even pop on the same day!! :cheer: xx
all sounds positive sharne.... make sure you keep us updated! Maybe hayden knows youve finished his nursary & wants to get in it quick sharp :D

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