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Hi ladies
I've been absolutely rubbish at posting on here the last few months, but have been popping in to see how everyone's been doing. Anyway I had my beautiful little boy 3 days ago and wanted to write my birth story while its still in my mind!
Started on Saturday morning at 9.30 with very mild irregular contractions. Just thought I needed a poo at first lol as they didn't hurt much, but then realised they were coming every 15 mins or so. They stayed extremely mild and very irregular throughout the day ranging from 5-30 mins apart so I just put them down to braxton hicks/false labour (I had a show the night before my labour with DS1, so because I hadn't had a show this to me I thought it couldn't be labour and was just maybe a sign that labour would start in a day or two). Pottered around at home, put the washing out, went into town with hubby and DS so they could get their hair cut etc.
Around 5pm they started to get a lot more intense and painful, and more regular around 6pm. I knew I must be in labour at this point but was still managing fine at home, so just put my TENS machine on which was absolutely bloody brilliant, first time I've used one and definitely would again! It really helped. DH bathed DS while I tried to relax on the sofa for a bit, and then I put DS to bed at 8pm. Trying to read a bedtime story to a toddler while breathing through contractions was a new experience haha but I really wanted to get him settled for bed myself before we went to hospital to keep things as normal as possible for him. Decided I would go to hospital as soon as DS was asleep so phoned my mum and in-laws then went to hospital around 9pm, was amazed to find I was 7cm!
Was taken to a delivery room, tried walking around for a bit but quickly decided I wanted to lie down. I was convinced I wanted an active labour this time using a birthing ball and gravity but when it came to it I just wanted to lie down on my side. Very difficult to get comfortable but still managing fine with the contractions. They were a lot more painful than in my first birth as I laboured in water last time but unfortunately the pool was unavailable this time so I couldn't use it, I really noticed the difference but they were still bearable with the TENS machine.
Then around 10pm I started to feel huge pressure like I needed the mother of all wees and poos haha. Started pushing, my waters still hadn't gone so midwife let me push for half an hour or so then she broke them for me. It was like niagara falls!
I pushed for an hour or so, but for some reason my contractions really slowed down after waters had gone, and they weren't strong enough to push effectively. I got really fed up at this point and started saying I couldn't do it and wanted a C-Section, midwife was like no way, you CAN get this baby out yourself! So she got the doctor in and put me on a drip to increase the strength of the contractions. I was still just using the TENS machine at this point, didn't feel like I needed anything else for pain relief, did try gas and air but it just annoyed me!
Felt like I was pushing forever (2 and a half hours in total!) but eventually baby Sam was born naturally with only a 1st degree tear needing 3 stitches and couple of small grazes. The burning sensation was horrendous and definitely the worst part but I knew it meant it was nearly all over, and the feeling of relief when I was told baby's head was out was amazing! His whole body followed with the next push. After having a ventouse delivery and episiotomy with my first baby this meant the world to me, and I was so proud of myself for managing to push him out! 3 days post birth I can see such a huge difference in my recovery, at this stage with DS 1 I was in a lot of pain with stitches and could hardly walk, this time it's so much easier getting around.
Baby is perfect, very sleepy and a bit jaundiced so I'm having to try and wake him for feeds as he's not that interested but midwife assures me this is normal and he should be more awake in a few days. DS1 is a little bit unsettled at having to share mummy's attention but not too bad and is lovely with his brother, sharing his cuddly toys with him!
Overall I feel so happy with how my birth went and relieved its over and done with! Xx

Started on Saturday morning at 9.30 with very mild irregular contractions. Just thought I needed a poo at first lol as they didn't hurt much, but then realised they were coming every 15 mins or so. They stayed extremely mild and very irregular throughout the day ranging from 5-30 mins apart so I just put them down to braxton hicks/false labour (I had a show the night before my labour with DS1, so because I hadn't had a show this to me I thought it couldn't be labour and was just maybe a sign that labour would start in a day or two). Pottered around at home, put the washing out, went into town with hubby and DS so they could get their hair cut etc.
Around 5pm they started to get a lot more intense and painful, and more regular around 6pm. I knew I must be in labour at this point but was still managing fine at home, so just put my TENS machine on which was absolutely bloody brilliant, first time I've used one and definitely would again! It really helped. DH bathed DS while I tried to relax on the sofa for a bit, and then I put DS to bed at 8pm. Trying to read a bedtime story to a toddler while breathing through contractions was a new experience haha but I really wanted to get him settled for bed myself before we went to hospital to keep things as normal as possible for him. Decided I would go to hospital as soon as DS was asleep so phoned my mum and in-laws then went to hospital around 9pm, was amazed to find I was 7cm!
Was taken to a delivery room, tried walking around for a bit but quickly decided I wanted to lie down. I was convinced I wanted an active labour this time using a birthing ball and gravity but when it came to it I just wanted to lie down on my side. Very difficult to get comfortable but still managing fine with the contractions. They were a lot more painful than in my first birth as I laboured in water last time but unfortunately the pool was unavailable this time so I couldn't use it, I really noticed the difference but they were still bearable with the TENS machine.
Then around 10pm I started to feel huge pressure like I needed the mother of all wees and poos haha. Started pushing, my waters still hadn't gone so midwife let me push for half an hour or so then she broke them for me. It was like niagara falls!
I pushed for an hour or so, but for some reason my contractions really slowed down after waters had gone, and they weren't strong enough to push effectively. I got really fed up at this point and started saying I couldn't do it and wanted a C-Section, midwife was like no way, you CAN get this baby out yourself! So she got the doctor in and put me on a drip to increase the strength of the contractions. I was still just using the TENS machine at this point, didn't feel like I needed anything else for pain relief, did try gas and air but it just annoyed me!
Felt like I was pushing forever (2 and a half hours in total!) but eventually baby Sam was born naturally with only a 1st degree tear needing 3 stitches and couple of small grazes. The burning sensation was horrendous and definitely the worst part but I knew it meant it was nearly all over, and the feeling of relief when I was told baby's head was out was amazing! His whole body followed with the next push. After having a ventouse delivery and episiotomy with my first baby this meant the world to me, and I was so proud of myself for managing to push him out! 3 days post birth I can see such a huge difference in my recovery, at this stage with DS 1 I was in a lot of pain with stitches and could hardly walk, this time it's so much easier getting around.
Baby is perfect, very sleepy and a bit jaundiced so I'm having to try and wake him for feeds as he's not that interested but midwife assures me this is normal and he should be more awake in a few days. DS1 is a little bit unsettled at having to share mummy's attention but not too bad and is lovely with his brother, sharing his cuddly toys with him!
Overall I feel so happy with how my birth went and relieved its over and done with! Xx
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