Hey girls
I have been really looking forward to this apiontment as i knew they would listen to babys heartbeat and this was going to be the reassurance that i needed after the little bleed i had at 11+4 weeks. Anyway she put the doppler on and it took her a while to pick up babys heartbeat, she kept picking a heartbeat up but then said it must be mine cos it wasnt showing on monitor and when she did pick babys up you could hardly hear it, i only heard after she had said can you hear that and when i really listened i could. She didnt seem worried and said that its still only little it will be better next time but i know this prob sounds stupid but it didnt but my mind at rest, i keep thinking what if it was my hearbeat she picked up and not babys and that is why it was so quiet. Im sure it was a lot louder with my other 2 girls.
Anyway i have just looked on my notes and in the FH box it says 142 which is obviously the heart rate she picked up. Does anyone know if 142 is good or bad
Im probably just worrying over nothing but i cant help it i sem to be paranoid after having that bleed
I have been really looking forward to this apiontment as i knew they would listen to babys heartbeat and this was going to be the reassurance that i needed after the little bleed i had at 11+4 weeks. Anyway she put the doppler on and it took her a while to pick up babys heartbeat, she kept picking a heartbeat up but then said it must be mine cos it wasnt showing on monitor and when she did pick babys up you could hardly hear it, i only heard after she had said can you hear that and when i really listened i could. She didnt seem worried and said that its still only little it will be better next time but i know this prob sounds stupid but it didnt but my mind at rest, i keep thinking what if it was my hearbeat she picked up and not babys and that is why it was so quiet. Im sure it was a lot louder with my other 2 girls.
Anyway i have just looked on my notes and in the FH box it says 142 which is obviously the heart rate she picked up. Does anyone know if 142 is good or bad
Im probably just worrying over nothing but i cant help it i sem to be paranoid after having that bleed