had bad attack


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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last night. very sure it was my IBS and not contractions. i watched wife swap and went up as so uncomfortable, got in to bed and was toubled over so bad i could not move or roll over to change position. i was in agony to make things worse did not have in me to call OH as i was so doubled. Had 3 attacks they were awful. last ones i had i was 9 wks and was confinced baby would have been affected by how much pain i was in and i had emergency scan. so guess i am lucky got this far without another major attack. just hope its the last now.

I am still sore bottom front of bump this morning just hope it eases.

marie x
:hug: :hug: :hug: If it happens again give your MW a call to give a quick once over, if its that much of a problem they may give you an early sweep etc. worth a mention maybe? Hope you feel better soon.
Aww :hug: :hug: It is pretty nasty. I read that pregnancy was supposed to ease the symptoms of IBS, but I still get quite agonising shooting pain in my bowel...in fact it seems worse now than before I was pregnant.
I would definately ring the MW and tell her how much pain you're in. :hug:
when I went into hospital last week I think my pains were IBS, it was a bad attack brought on by stress or a tummy bug I think.
Being calm and eating the right foods helps me I am sure but I would mention to your midwifex
I called the hospital and they told me to go gps or taken paracetamol 4 pain. said it wont harm baby. They did not seem concerned.

marie x
Ginnymarie said:
when I went into hospital last week I think my pains were IBS, it was a bad attack brought on by stress or a tummy bug I think.
Being calm and eating the right foods helps me I am sure but I would mention to your midwifex

Yes i was actually confused when i was getting pains if they were labour pains as i was in so much pain and my stomach went really hard.

Just hope i dont get another episode.

marie x

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