Had a really awful night :o(


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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i went to see mum as she has broke her wrist! anyway, i always ring OH when i set off back home and when i did i felt like he didnt want to talk to me (duno where i got that idea from lol think it was bcoz i was tired!) anyway i snapped at him and put phone down on him, which i have NEVER done before.

when i got home, OH didnt come back for another hour (he was at his mum's down the road!) and when he came back he said he was shocked i had put phone down on him, well that was it, i started snapping at him and then started crying and ignorning him, god knows what was up with me, anyway in the end he left me at home and drove around for a bit to let me calm down, even when he came back and we got cuddled up in bed, i couldnt stop crying, i felt so down and crap! also my back had and still is hurting me all day yesterday and all through the night, as was my legs and i had a bit of tummy ache!

i never get down like that and even OH commented he had never seen me in such a state

whats wrong with me :(

also forgot to add i had the worst nights sleep EVER last night, couldnt get to sleep and was moving around all night, finally dropped off in the early hours and woke back up at 5am and couldnt get back to sleep, which is why i may have had the dizzy spells this morning

:hug: Bless you, I could have easily written that when I was pregnant! Those hormones will get you everytime, and when you least expect it! Just explain to your OH that there are bound to be more of these times to come and he should just run for cover when they do. He has to remember you are growing his baby and its sending your whole system right up the swannie so you can't really be expected to be yourself for a while. Make sure he looks after you xx
:hug: :hug: Aww poor you! I think it's just pregnancy. I've been the same, really teary & taking things the wrong way!

I'm sure your OH understands & he'll just need to put up with it!

Hope your ok today :hug:
Its just your hormones hun, their evil things! :evil:
hope you feel better today. sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm finding I'm getting more and more irratable with lack of sleep at the moment..... poor DH is scared to look at me some days.

I'm going to a nightmare once baby gets here!!
:hug: Im exactly this way at the moment. Spent last night sobbing down phone to other half coz I had mild pains which were new :roll:
Which kept him up all night worrying about me, but hes away working and needs all the sleep he can :wall:

We all get these moments, and hormones and worry play a HUGE part in it. As long as you talk to OH, so he feels involved not exculded in what you are feeling.
Plus we are all here and understand.

Have a big :hug:
The worst thing about being hormonal when pregnant is you know you're being silly at the time. I know I'm snapping but if I'm in one of those moods I can't help myself.

He'll understand, show him the forum and he can see how angry/fragile and hormonal we ALL are!
I know exactly how you feel hun :hug: :hug:

I have days like that where I'm the moodiest cow on the planet :rotfl:

It's all part and parcel of being pregnant

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