had a "oh F**k" moment


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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In 2-3 weeks I will actually have a baby. A real live baby!!! I can't imagine just how much my life will change, no more quite evenings sat watching telly with my hubby, massive planning if we want to go to the pub, not to mention the fact that I don't know how to look after a baby!

I'm sure it will all be fine, but still doesn't stop me panicing!!!
you could go into labor today ya never know chick! haha. It still aint hit me yet but will probs when i get to your stage xx
You're not alone in your reality moments. I have them ever couple of days and it gets me really scared. Not only will everything change but I will have this tiny baby depending on me to keep it safe and I'm deadly scared of stuffing up :(.
snap, could be any second. I keep getting a bit teary about it thinking I'm going to have a son or a daughter within the next few weeks, maybe the next few hours who knows? Totally incredible :) Good luck xxx
Snap I feel the same :s ahhhhhhhhhhhh xx
I'm the same! All a bit scary isnt it!
Def not alone on the 'freak out' front! Happens to me regularly! It will be a massive change but I'm sure before long we wont remember how we lived without them! xx
I feel the same too :( so scared I can't even discipline the dog half the time lol, how on earth will I manage a child??? eeeek
don't be scared, it will all come naturally and sure you'll be a great mummy :) xx
I'm the same

BUT you're still gonna get your nights in front of the telly. Your life will change but not every single part of it, yes baby will be up & down & crying alot for the first couple of weeks but it wont be long til its in a routine, in bed for a certain time & you'll get relaxing time at night.

Its when they get to toddler stage and you literally dont bloody sit down coz you're chasing after them constantly.

The best thing you can do is sort out a routine as soon as poss, coz you really will be greatful you did.


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