Looking Forward to a Night Out!! Wishful Thinking??


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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4 weeks to go................

I have already asked my mum and dad if they would mind babysitting for my (will be) 2 children whilst me and my hubby have a night out on the tiles (after the baby is born).....it will do me sooooooo much good!!

I have not had a proper night out for almost nine months - I have always been the driver OR just can't be arsed (cos I can't drink)

Me and my hubby have always led a very happy and full social life (I must add - through both of my pregnancies things have not altered for him - which has secretly annoyed me a bit). In order for me to stay sane I really will need a bit of social life back after this pregnancy (whether it be having friends over or simply just going over the local pub).

I am also going to get back onto the treadmill pretty quickly!!

I think alot of the above is WISHFUL THINKING!!!! What do you all think??????

Julia xxxxxxx
haha, i feel the same as you! OH & i have a little routine during the week, when he gets in from work we usually go to the pub for a drink (coke, yawn) so we're still keeping up with the social aspect, but i don't think i could be arsed drinking the way i used to! my birthday's in february, when the baby will be about three months old & everyone keeps saying 'oh, you'll be having such a big night out, i bet!' but i honestly don't think i could be bothered! god, i feel so old, haha.
Heehee I cant wait for xmas!! :dance: New year! :dance: My birthday the week after :dance: My poor baby isn't even going to know me lol! Only joking! I cant wait to go out and even just have a drink (more because I hate feeling like I cant)
But I know that regardless of being able to drink and go out etc, it wont be the same until she is older! I remember the first time I went out and had a drink with Joseph! It was a family party so we took him with us! OH never drunk at all then so he kept buying me drinks and saying its ok if you get a bit drunk, but the minute I went near him I was sober lol I drank loads too as OH kept buying and buying but all wasted lol!
Am lookin forward to goin out for a bloody good boogie in all honesty but we are lucky here cos our local music venue does loads of stuff that you can take the kids along to! :D yayyyyyyy :D can't wait!!!!!
Thanks for your amusing replies!!

Don't get me wrong - I am not going to get battered when I am responsible for 2 children BUT I am going to get a little bit tipsy. Will only take me about 3 glasses!!!!

Julia xxxxxxxx
Well my LO is due on the 6th of Dec...if goes to 42 weeks will be around the 20th..
My birthday is the 28th..and Im SO going out!! :cheer:

Ive got it planned...Mums babysitting and Im expressing my milk ready so I dont get bubs drunkered via me boobie milk :rotfl:

Although everyone says I'll prolly have two drinks..get pished and start with the " I cant believe Im a mummy, oh I miss him/her...Im just off to ring to see how he/she is" :roll: and go home early :rotfl:

Eother that of OH is prolly correct in saying, I'll moan coz nothing fits and refuse to go out...so ME :shakehead: :rotfl:
it was my friends birthday the other wek, and her daughter's a few months old, she got absoloutly wasted, and cried allllll night saying she missed her little girl, then went home for midnight. her boyfriend, however, snuck home at 9pm without telling anyone to make sure his mum was babysitting alright!
Oh yes, I must admit that I can't wait for a bloody good night out too! I've already earmarked the 13th Dec as my night out with mates while Dave stays home and looks after Isla (he's got a night out planned on 28th Nov and I'm staying home with Isla) as it's the nearest Sat to my birthday in December. I'm gonna express the milk, so I can have a few drinks, and my mate is looking for a good night to take me to where they play the music I like. I'll probs end up misssing Isla and wanting to go home early!! Or not wanting to get drunk lol.
But yeah, I can't wait to have a drink, even if it's a drink at home with a few mates.
I hate to be the party pooper but those of you who are planning on breastfeeding might want to look at the feeding bit in the parenting section. Expressing isn't always that effective (nor recommended in the first 6 weeks) :( and feeding for maybe a third of each day to begin with doesn't leave much time to express either. But hopefully you will all have your nights out :hug: And as for 3 glasses - 3 small glasses of wine is 6 units! I'd be under the table by then :rotfl:

ETA: I'm not here that much so if if this is a jokey thread that I have misunderstood just ignore me!
kalia said:
I hate to be the party pooper but those of you who are planning on breastfeeding might want to look at the feeding bit in the parenting section. Expressing isn't always that effective (nor recommended in the first 6 weeks) :( and feeding for maybe a third of each day to begin with doesn't leave much time to express either. But hopefully you will all have your nights out :hug: And as for 3 glasses - 3 small glasses of wine is 6 units! I'd be under the table by then :rotfl:

ETA: I'm not here that much so if if this is a jokey thread that I have misunderstood just ignore me!

Poop :(
Ah well, it looks like it will be a meal in the day, at home, with baby :roll:
I just bought a really special bottle of wine for my wife and I to enjoy after jnr is born.

She has been having the odd sip of wine, but is dying for a proper glass of Chablis, so I have a really good one ready and waiting now!!
I've already booked my hubby for babysitting duties so me and the girlies can plan night out.... although it's not gonna happen until I have lost a few pounds :) I haven't touched a drop for about 9 months now so I doubt it will be a very late night lol

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