Well the book i was reading DID say that at 6 weeks the crying gets worse and it has. Ive had such a rubbishy day. Ollie still looks uncomfortable with his straining and he seems to be passing wind alot. I went and saw my friend today and she mentioned reflux which made me concerned that it maybe that (he does throw up after his feed but not like the whole bottle). Im sure he is just a "normal" baby and will grow out of it. If i mention anything to the docs or HV they just say its the norm.
This baby business is such hard work.. i could feel myself getting stressed so had to take him out (which did help) then i feel guilty for feeling stressed as hes only a little baby and if he does have trapped wind then he's gonna be in pain. Ive tried infacol but not colief (thats stuff is damn expensive and i cant see my docs prescribing it as they seemed to think hes just doing what normal babies do!) Someone on here mentioned something beginning with D?
I also think i have a problem with being totally overprotective with Ollie. When my OH has him i tend to feel like i should have him back as i can settle him better. My OH is good with him but gets frustrated when he doesnt calm down. I then take him back to stop him getting stressed, which then gets me more stressed! Ive not been away from Ollie atall since he was born so maybe i should go out for a bit and leave him with my OH. Arghh.. im driving myself insane!
The annoying thing is that when i do have 5 minutes if my OH has Ollie then i still need to sterilise bottles, tidy up a tiny bit cook the dinner and wash up oh and if i can get a bath in thats a bonus!
I really love my son and dont want to wish a few weeks of his life away but i cant wait til hes a few weeks older and his bits and bobs are that little bit more developed so things are working better and hes a happier baby..
Sorry, had to get all that out...
Claire x

This baby business is such hard work.. i could feel myself getting stressed so had to take him out (which did help) then i feel guilty for feeling stressed as hes only a little baby and if he does have trapped wind then he's gonna be in pain. Ive tried infacol but not colief (thats stuff is damn expensive and i cant see my docs prescribing it as they seemed to think hes just doing what normal babies do!) Someone on here mentioned something beginning with D?
I also think i have a problem with being totally overprotective with Ollie. When my OH has him i tend to feel like i should have him back as i can settle him better. My OH is good with him but gets frustrated when he doesnt calm down. I then take him back to stop him getting stressed, which then gets me more stressed! Ive not been away from Ollie atall since he was born so maybe i should go out for a bit and leave him with my OH. Arghh.. im driving myself insane!
The annoying thing is that when i do have 5 minutes if my OH has Ollie then i still need to sterilise bottles, tidy up a tiny bit cook the dinner and wash up oh and if i can get a bath in thats a bonus!
I really love my son and dont want to wish a few weeks of his life away but i cant wait til hes a few weeks older and his bits and bobs are that little bit more developed so things are working better and hes a happier baby..
Sorry, had to get all that out...
Claire x