Had 2nd scan today!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Had our 2nd scan today...havent slept for 4 days cos we really wanted to know what sex we're having.... and guess what.. they couldnt tell!! :(

Baby was moving about sooo much.. and had his/her hand between her legs..then the cheeky little thing..turned his/her back on us!!!

Dont get me wrong..we're soo pleased all is well... but feel absolutely gutted still not knowing! :cry:

I know i shouldnt have..but i've set my heart on a girl...and need to know the sex.. to get my head around it if its a boy! I know that sounds bad..but I really dont mean it to be!

Then to top it all off...the milfh has just told me the way i'm feeling..i'm spoiling it for her son!! Which makes me feel even worse!

Sorry for the moan..I just needed to let it out! :x
Oh no, you poor thing!

My friend had this happen, she really wanted a girl and when she went for her 20 week scan they couldnt tell!

She went for a private gender scan £75, and it was a boy!
She was really pleased she payed so she could get her head around it being a boy. Said it was worth every penny!

Glad everything else was ok for you!!

Piglet xx
clasper said:
Then to top it all off...the milfh has just told me the way i'm feeling..i'm spoiling it for her son!! Which makes me feel even worse!

Sorry for the moan..I just needed to let it out! :x

As if it's her flipping place to say anything interferring mare :evil: Sorry!! I also have a milfh and a silfh so can sympathise with stupid comments thrown about and all that!

As for not knowing, I take it they were able to do all the relevant checks without seeing the bits and bobs and that is why they haven't offered you another?

Is paying for a private one out of the question? I know they can be very expensive and not everyone can do that?

Chin up honey :hug:
That what we're gonna do... we're gonna have a private scan with baby bond on 25th may!

I just feel a bit stupid feeling like this.. i wished i didnt ..but i do! I wished i didnt care what it was....

I cant stop :cry: now!
aww goodluck, hope baby makes it easier for u at the babybond scan :D

no your not making it hard or bad or your other half too im sure hes as gutted as u r and he may want a girl too u never know but he may not admit it :P

mine keeps saying ours is a girl as sono said it was but she couldnt see boy parts she was crud tbh i hate her lol. so im just waiting now till babys born :)
25th May - thats my birthday!!

Good luck for then - make sure you let us know!! Don't feel bad for admitting how you feel, most people put on the "I don't mind as long as it's healthy" front for the sake of others.

My friend cried for days at having a boy, but has now decided that when she has a little girl next time round, it will be great to have a big brother to look out for her!
Big :hug:

Piglet xx
pigletpoo said:
25th May - thats my birthday!!

Good luck for then - make sure you let us know!! Don't feel bad for admitting how you feel, most people put on the "I don't mind as long as it's healthy" front for the sake of others.

My friend cried for days at having a boy, but has now decided that when she has a little girl next time round, it will be great to have a big brother to look out for her!
Big :hug:

Piglet xx

Thanx Piglet.... happy birthday for the 25th.. I will let you know how babybond goes!! I know im bein daft..but cant help how i feel... i'l do what your friend has done.. if it is a boy.. it'll be a big brother for the next one we have! thanx again :hug:
Good luck for the next scan hun... dont worry i would be the same.... I dont mind if i have a boy but i have to know, theres no way i could wait till the end!!! xxxxx

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