

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Have you and OH figured out who would be your child's legal guardians should something happen to you both?

I'm FUMING as my OH has turned it into an argument.

I suggested my aunt as she's about to get married, just brought a big house and is about to have IVF so her child would be a similar age. She's also got a good well paying job. He took offence because she lives about 45 mins away from us so he's worried about Tyler being moved away from his friends. So I asked him who he'd want his mum who I like, but she's disabled :| I said to him that I didn't think she'd be suitable as she's struggling to pick Tyler up now let alone when he's bigger and he just kicked off saying that 'as long as it's a member of my family it's ok but if it's his it's not' which wasn't my point. He then suggested a friend of his that has no kids that I've only met once!! How is that suitable for my little baby??

How have you lot worked this out?

We've chatted about it but only light heartedly. I think we'd give him to either my Mum & Step-Dad or OH's Parents. But they're not getting either! It's such a tough one! x
I'm really lucky in that I suggested someone and DH agreed. However our priorities have changed and we're no longer certain they're the right person! Now we have no idea! :(

Sorry he turned it into an argument.
We've never discussed it! Guess our brothers and sisters would fight that one out if the worst ever happened! Suppose Kynon is lucky though as his big sister is nearly 15 so she would be there for him.

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Ours was a no brainier really it's his sister and her oh Thomas adores her as she does him if I still had my family it would be my mum then sil if anything happened to my mum xxx

We have our best friends, they have 2 kids who r wonderful, they r young and have good good jobs.

We haven't discussed it but if we did it would more than likely be to my parents. They see her at least twice a week if not more and look after her a lot (well I think it's a lot but it's actually about once a month lol). His parents aren't together so it would cause arguments if she went to one of them.
We haven't discussed it for Holly yet but before they moved to Canada my sister asked me and oh to be my niece's guardians rather than our parents just cos of us being younger and grandparents would help out too if anything happened. She was just thinking realisticly about ages.
I never thought about age! I'm lucky in that neither of my parents are even 50 yet and both in very good health and more active than me lol.
Well I would suggest my mum and stepdad but they have a 7 y/o and a 5 y/o but they have money and a big house. I was in the shower and wondered, If they were ok what about my mums Monday-fri and his parents the weekends? At least then although his mums disabled his dad or his brothers and sisters could help out until Tyler gets to an age responsible enough to choose?

We've not really decided yet, got it narrowed down to either my bro and SIL or a friend and her partner.

Might be worth pointing out to OH that even if you specify someone, if social services don't think the person is capable they won't do the placement, so if his mums disabled she might not be allowed to take a young child. Xxx
It's a really tough one isn't it? I would think either my parents or BIL and SIL. However, now my brother is getting married and future SIL is keen to start a family. Before I thought BIL and SIL as SIL is pregnant and I wasn't sure what other SIL wanted family wise! Lol.

I spoke to my Mum about it once and I got the impression she would want it to be her.

Will need to speak to OH about this again. It's a horrible thing to think about isn't it? We really need to do a will as we're not married too.

Weve not discussed it with either LO & eldest is 7.

I think it has to go down in legal papers for it to be official. I keep meaning to go to lawyers to do the will but keep forgetting.


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