GTT = gestational diabetes :-(


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I had my GTT yesterday and fasting was 5.0 and post drink it was 7.9. Cut off 7.8 so classes me as gestational diabetes have an appointment next week with diabetic obstetric consultant. Waiting to see what they say. Having growth scans anyway.
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Aww try not to worry anyone can get it and usually if not much over will control with diet anyway xx
Hi Hun I have gestational diabetes my read was only slightly over at 8.3 and I have managed to diet control it for the last 7 weeks. You will be fine once you know what suits you to be able to eat and what not to eat because it raises your sugar levels xx
Awww not the news you wanted obv. but Fx you can control it ok hun xxxx
Gotta do a food diary before next wed. Hopefully will be diet and sugar monitoring only. Libbygrace are they inducing you early?
No they said I can just labour naturally as I am diet controlled, if I go on metaformin tablets they will induce on my due date and if I need to start injecting insulin they induce 2 weeks early. I have been having growth scans though and last one I had was Tuesday at 34 +5 And he weighed 6lb 10 which means he will be around 9 and half pound by due date his head and stomach where measuring exactly 3 weeks ahead but his femur was spot on for his gestation. Consultant wasn't worried though and didn't want to induce early as my two daughters where well over 9lb xx
awww it'll all work out, I've had GD since week 12!!! And i'm still here. :)
I'm being induced at 38 weeks due to being on insulin. Baby AC is measuring big, but nobody seems that concerned really and it is probably caused by the insulin more than the GD.
I am big though for 33+ weeks, I had a huge growth spurt at week 31-32. Wishing you all the best and ask away if you have any food queries. xx
I think my sister had GD carrying my nephew 13 years ago as he was 12lb 1oz born. Her GTT was normal at 28 weeks. I think she should have had another GTT at 32 weeks. Luckily he was breech so they sectioned her and she was 14 days over.
I think my sister had GD carrying my nephew 13 years ago as he was 12lb 1oz born. Her GTT was normal at 28 weeks. I think she should have had another GTT at 32 weeks. Luckily he was breech so they sectioned her and she was 14 days over.

To be fair, they've monitored me so closely since week 12 due to the GD. I doubt I'd suddenly find out i'm having a 12 lber. Plus bigger babies are a side effect of GD, and insulin, hence i'm being induced at 38 weeks so baby will be a tad bit smaller anyway. xx
Well saw diabetic team and I mean team, Obstetrician, midwife, diabetic consultant, diabetic nurse, dietician and medical student. Felt like an interview. May have been a reason why BP was up. Anyway had a growth scan before (3 weeks earlier than planned) as had 2 episodes of reduced movement. Scan all well but turned breech so movements in different places. Naughty munchkin. Fluid, cord blood flow and growth all good. Have to go on low sugar diet and take blood sugars twice a day. BP to be checked tomorrow.
Started the low sugar/carb regime. Blood sugars a bit high today pre breakfast 6.3 and 1 hour post breakfast 13.1 only had a bowl of shreddies. Hope tomorrow is better or they will start tablets BP good today.
Started the low sugar/carb regime. Blood sugars a bit high today pre breakfast 6.3 and 1 hour post breakfast 13.1 only had a bowl of shreddies. Hope tomorrow is better or they will start tablets BP good today.

I would avoid all cereals Hun, all of my high reads where with cereal such as shredded wheat, al bran etc i now have to have high protein first thing in the morning such as omelette etc. The diabetic consultant basically said mornings are always the worst and cereals are just laden with carbs so avoid them if I wanted to avoid going on medication xx
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Good tip, I had brown toast today. Pre breakfast 5.8 and post lunch (had a egg salad) 6.7. Trying to gauge what does what at the moment.
Good tip, I had brown toast today. Pre breakfast 5.8 and post lunch (had a egg salad) 6.7. Trying to gauge what does what at the moment.

It's all trial and error at he moment so don't worry about having a few high reads they will expect it at first and I think they just say they will put you on tablets if three high readings to scare you into taking the diet seriously xx
I have had the munchies big time today but been good.
Well have had 2 readings above 8 so need to go on metformin. Seeing consultant next week at 32 weeks so they will have a week of sugars with me on the tablets to gauge where I am.
Started the low sugar/carb regime. Blood sugars a bit high today pre breakfast 6.3 and 1 hour post breakfast 13.1 only had a bowl of shreddies. Hope tomorrow is better or they will start tablets BP good today.

I had shreddies this morning and my reading was 10.1! The diabetic midwife suggested trying 1 weetabix instead x
I have stopped cereal and moved to toast but had 10.2 after my usual 2 slices.
Try cutting it down to one slice Hun, I know it's really though but it's just about finding out what works best for you x

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