Grumpy grumpy grumpy


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Hello from grumpyland! I found out a week ago I am pregnant. It shouldn't really have come as a big surprise given that OH and I agreed to start trying and drew up a spreadsheet of 'likely' days. It seems, however, OH and I are super-fertile, and the 6-8 months of trying most websites lead you to believe were actually 6-8 minutes in our case, much to the distress of OH! I am what will probably be referred to by health care professionals as a 'mature mother,' which means I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but a quick scan round this forum reveals I'm older than most of you.

I'm really rather looking forward to having a mini-me, but the current state of affairs has REALLY put the kibosh on life as we know it. And my current lifestyle means keeping anything of this matter at all is nigh on impossible. To start with - I'm an airline pilot. Yes, you read that right. And have you ever seen a pregnant pilot? No, neither have I. So I'm grounded, and tying to explain to people that I've just been having a few days off when they ask me where I've been this week is not too hard at the moment, but will get harder and harder the longer it goes on. Work would like to put me down on the roster sheets as MD (maternity duties) but I have managed to pursuade them to go with GD (ground duties) so all my 3000+ colleagues don't know I'm pregnant before my mum does. Then there's the small matter of what I'm going to do for the next 8 months. Work would like me to go into the office 5 days a week, 9-5. NO WAY! When I bought a house an hour and a half away from work I was planning on driving in once a week, not every day. And office work - please! I know lots of people love it, but I'm not one of them. I just like tootling along in my aeroplane, watching the clouds go by. So I'm lying low at the moment and hoping they'll forget about me (not likely) or find me the most exciting training manual rewrite project I can do from the comfort of my sofa (that's more like it!)

Oh - and I get a paycut for being pregnant, even if I have to go into work more. Nice!

Then we've got the small matter of my hobby. Or large matter, if you want to look at it that way. I can't go to work at the moment (and I love my job) and now I can't even destress with my hobby. Every waking minute is usually taken up plotting and planning my latest training strategy for the 'next big thing'. The NBT is my horse. He is huge. The day I found out I was pregnant was the day I got my membership documents for the British Show Jumping Association through the post (I had sent off for them before we started trying, which wasn't THAT long ago.) So I guess showjumping's out then? All of the grooms at the stable yard know. One of my best friends is the yard manager and she didn't want me doing stuff at the yard without the grooms knowing so they could dash to my assistance if necessary. Which means I am now being babysat by a bunch of paranoid 19 year old girls who daren't be the one in charge if I fall off.

Now I can hear the gasps and shreiks of horror from here. 'OMG - pregnant woman riding a horse!' Well, I'm going to carry on doing it. My doctor - a rather sturdy older country lady - said to me 'carry on doing what you do now, and don't eat liver.' And that's all the advice she had for me. She probably has 50 pregnant horse-riding women a year in this neck of the woods, and I'm just one more. I have banned myself from anything except 'flatwork,' ie no jumping or galloping (although Mary King became European three day event champion when she was 5 months pregnant. I think I'll just have to resign myself to becoming a dressage diva.) I've had a week of flatwork and I'm bored silly with it. So is the horse. I've also started teaching his to stand beside the picnic table for me to get off. Chatting to other horsey mothers reveals that the biggest problem with riding while pregant is getting off comfortably, and I've got further to get down than most. Still - I've started eyeing up lead rein ponies and baby basket saddles already!

I'm thinking I'm going to have to reveal my secret to everyone I know before Christmas. I can't keep up the 'detoxing' excuse forever with regard to alcohol, people keep asking me where I've been with work, I keep getting invites to go out hunting with friends and keep having to blame the horse's dodgy knee for not going, and it'll get really hard to explain things when I have to go into work 20+ days a month (I only work about 16 days a month at the moment. This particular aspect seems most unfair.) I'm also due to visit my brother for New Year (I go every year to see him) and he's a ski instructor. I used to be one too, and while I trust myself to ski safely without falling over, you really can't trust everyone else. I may pay extra for the breakfast skiing sessions where you have the slope to yourself, but I'm still going to have to explain my odd behaviour somehow.

Oh, it's all so hard! I know it will be so much easier once the cat is out of the bag and I've got excuses for every variant of weirdness going. I'll cheer up too when I know what manner of pregnancy purgatory work are going to throw at me - at least then I'll be able to call the girls who had that particular job before and find out how they handled it.

So there we go. A long first post, but I'm bored. And I have verbal diorrhea at the best of time. Ciao for now.
Tee hee - dare I say it, but your post cheered me up!
I hope I don't sound heartless when I say that, and your concerns about work/horse riding/your mum did hit home, but the manner of your writing has a sort of comedy about it which tickled me!!
Anyway first and foremost CONGRATULATIONS! Isn't it weird how when you find out you are pregnant your whole world changes, and all the things you used to take for granted suddenly become like 'can i or can't i?'
WOW I am mega impressed you are a pilot!!! Me personally am on the other end of the scale, I hate flying with a capital H. To the point of having to take Diazepam from the docs before I can even get on a plane, this prevents the horrendous panic attacks, vomiting and diarrhoea from the sheer worry of it!!! Anyway I live in bahrain and flying home to England for Xmas. My biggest worry was can i still take diazepam, and the doc says one is ok. But I would love to conquer my fear one day.
Anyway I am rambling on about me instead of being sympathetic to you. Perhaps you can organise something with work which allows you to temporarily cut your hours or work at home? I can't beleive they are allowed to cut your pay in this day and age, what a cheek!
Sooo good luck with the pregnancy, hope all goes well for you. Keep well and let us know how you are getting on :wave:
Congratulations :cheer:
OH and I thought it would be at least before getting a BFP but were shocked when it happened the first month.
Being pregnant is exciting, but boring at the same time. I dont know how long my friends will believe I'm on antibiotics, I think I might pretend I'm drinking vodka and coke, but just have coke. Not sure that will work though :think:
Nice post Mayday!

I'm sure I read something somewhere about airline crew being less fertile for some reason... :?

Guess that doesn't apply to you!

I'm not sure I'd be horse riding if I were you, but no doubt you are much better at it than I am!

When you get your first scan and see the little life you have created you will start to see the brightside more clearly.

In the meantime, chin up!

Oh and congratulations.
I've spent the morning trying to cheer myself up - can't fly, can't ride, can't ski, can't even have a soft boiled egg! But I've found some things I can do. When I go to visit my brother I can go to the swimming baths which overlook the mountain and watch all the skiers falling over, and my brother has recently become a snowshoe fanatic so I'll get to go up the mountain and have a little hike around safe out of the way of out-of-control nutters; it's everyone else I'm worried about. And I've told my husband I've got to sample every menu in town. Who cares about skiing anyway!

Am also about to ring my boss and tell him the best thing all round is if he puts me in charge of the simulator - then I can pretend I'm flying and avoid the motorway at rush hour. Double bonus.

I'm sure I read something somewhere about airline crew being less fertile for some reason.

That's usually the case - probably due to the radiation, organophosphate and heavy metal poisoning, dehydration, circadian rhythm disruption and the crew meals. And they wonder why we're jumping up and down in fury about our retirement age rising by 10 years! I know lots of work colleagues who have had problems either conceiving or with miscarriages. A lot of the younger girls on the lower salary brackets try to keep it secret and carry on flying because the ground work options are so awful and because of the pay cut. I get 'flying hour pay' for the length of time I am flying and 'time away from base pay' from the minute I check in until I get back home. When you are crew and get pregnant you only get an average of your last 3 month's flying hour pay, but none of the time away from base pay, because you are not actually away from base if you are in the office. This means we get an average of £500-750 per month less in our pay packet, even though we work more days at the airport.

As for the horse-riding; apparently it is just the best exercise for keeping all your pelvic muscles strong. I've done it for 29 years of my life, can't see me stopping now.
Hi Mayday

Wow what an interesting post. I really hand it to you for having a full and interesting life. :)

I think it's really unfair of your employer to make you work full time, in an office, whilst you are pregnant. Do your terms of employment state this? Seems very odd that you have to do more hours too.

I'm almost 7 weeks pregnant and haven't told my employers yet. I have a lot of travel involved in my job too (although thankfully it's all done for this year now). So they will have to get someone else to do the long haul flights next year.
I have my review on Thursday but still will not tell my boss. Although I work for a lovely company of which I am a Director I don't want them discriminating against me or putting me "out to pasture" till the baby arrives. It's very hard to keep things a secret though. I know just what you mean about the "detox" story... it only lasts so long.

As for the horse riding, I don't know anything about it but am sure you could discuss it with your consultant at your first hospital appointment. They'll know best. Hopefully you won't have to give it up completely.

I'm an older mum aged 41. I have one son already who's almost 17 (and over the moon about the baby). I think my family thought I was a career woman and had given up on having more children. :lol:

I sent you a PM, if you fancy a chat any time, that'd be nice.

Take care

Hi Mayday.

Have also replied to you in july club, as i think you must live fairly near me.
Poor you - you are being grumpy aren't you!!!!
I don't blame you though, you are having to make a few changes to your life. Having said that, I agree about not giving up horse riding yet. maybe later, you'll start to get uncomfortable, but at the moment my understanding is that you should carry on exercise you're used to as long as your doctor say's is ok, and your doctor doesn't seem bothered by it.
I know what you mean about giving things up. Have stopped smoking and drinking - what is left????
Mind you , we went out with friends on Friday night and I was very excited as I was having............

wait for it.....................

half a lager shandy :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

roll on july!!!!!


p.s. not that much of a youngster myself - a couple of years the wrong side of 30
Welcome to the forum Mayday, and congratulations on your BFP! :cheer: :cheer:

I completely agree with OverTheMoon as well. Your post made me chuckle out loud! Do you write comedy in your spare time??? :rotfl:

I'm sure things won't be too bad in the office, and if they are, you can always ask the dic to put you on the sick for stress! Play the pregnancy card hun - you won't be able to be ill for the next 18 years so make the most of it now!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh, and I'm nearer 40 than 30 as well! Shhh! :shhh: :shhh:
Amanda said:
and if they are, you can always ask the dic to put you on the sick for stress!

I was going to edit this and correct it to the word doc, but decided I need a bit of comedy myself!!! :rotfl:
Cracking post ladies. Mayday gets the prize for the grumpiest one of us so far this week :rotfl: and the post doesn't even mention morning sickness - can I assume that hasn't kicked in yet???!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

There is a lot of adjusting to do during pregnancy - it seems as though you have to give up all your favourite things and the first trimester is the worst as you can't even tell anyone your happy news (though it sounds like your work colleagues will know soon enough)! But then the adjustment once baby arrives is even bigger so I guess it's good to get used to making sacrifices now!! (though the difference is you have a gorgeous baby by then so you don't mind the sacrifices. Having to give up all this stuff when you're pregnant and have nothing to show for it sucks!!)

Anyway huge congratulations on your pregnancy - everyone here is great fun and bound to cheer you up on your worst days.

Keep writing - your post certainly cheered me up :D

Poor you... There must be nothing worse than finding a job you love only to be told you can't do it bacause you are doing the most natural thing in the world, having a baby. I think its really unfair you have to do more hours and get less money...

delmesgirl said:
I know what you mean about giving things up. Have stopped smoking and drinking - what is left????
Mind you , we went out with friends on Friday night and I was very excited as I was having............

wait for it.....................

half a lager shandy :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I am dreading the xmas dos I have coming up as i'm known for being one of the ones contributing to the hefty wine bill....... Also most of my social life revolves around going to the pub..... I don't really mind people speculating among themselves, I'm just dreading being asked outright as i don't want to lie but i also don't want the whole world knowing before 12weeks...

me and OH did pull a cunning trick at the last night out, alcohol-free Becks in a glass (although I would normally drink beer out of the bottle or by the pint...) Its actually quite nice, unlike Kaliber, and I have bought some for the fridge at home so that I don't feel left out when OH has a beer after work... It meant a certain amount of subterfuge (sp), going to the bar when noone else was there, but luckily we are already in a situation where in our group of friends we buy our own drinks rather than get big rounds as we are all quite skint before xmas...

I'm hoping I can use this alongside the detox/antibiotics story when OH isn't there and noone will know til the new year. (who am I kidding...)
Hi mayday,

What a joy your post was - it was great! Thanks for posting! You have a really interesting life and I am very jealous. My life consists of going to a v. boring job, coming home and watching tele! No horse riding, snow sports or flying around the world - you've certainly put me to shame!

Anyway - I just wanted to say welcome and keep posting - I keep a diary on here (link in my signature) and I wish this board was busier as I am so nosy and want to know how everyone is all the time!

Good luck with your pregnancy - I'm looking forward to getting to know you over the next few months.

Valentine xxx
Hello again everyone - thanks for all your positive thoughts.

I've been down to the yard to see the horse and have decided it might not be quite that bad. I couldn't be bothered to get on him so I gave him a really good scratchy session which he loves (he scratches me back) and realised that if I wasn't flying I would be able to go to the yard and see him every day. The girls at the yard are being great. One has volunteered to be my competition rider for the next year on her days off. My friend the yard manager has told me how she managed with her 2 babies and a horse dealing business, and the younger girls are fighting over who's going to play 'coochy-coo' with my baby while I ride.

I've tried ringing the sim manager at work today. If I managed to wangle a job there I would stick more or less on my old work patterns and still get to press the buttons in an aircraft mock-up. Tragically he was working from home - which gives me a little bit more hope.

So I've got stuck into a bit of house renovation - I have a nest to build! I'm the proud owner of a 400 year old pile of bricks and oak which I have been assured by builders will be a cosy family home by May. It'd better be! Not flying means I can chase everyone up by phone too, so hopefully my house should be a home sooner rather than later.

Valentine, I've been reading your diary. I like it! No one has a boring life, just different ones. I was brought up by a hyperactive overacheiving mother who dragged herself from the very bottom of the pile to lead a fantastic life. It has certainly coloured me and my siblings' outlooks on life. She's getting impatient to be a grandmother (she doesn't know yet) and is going to be my childcare (and horse care) when I eventually go back to work. She'll almost certainly have the same effect on my child as she had on us. She's already demanding a pony for her and regular trips abroad - for the sake of education, of course, not just for a jolly!
hi hun congrats with the preg but im sorry about all the things your missing out on. Like the other girls i have enjoyed reading your post has really put a smile on my face.

Take care hun and good luck with everything :hug: :hug: x x

I as well enjoyed your post , i really wish you all the best i know in the beginning its very tough but its all well worth it :)
Hello and welcome Mayday! :wave:

You have cheered up my morning! :D

Don't worry,it will all click into place :D :hug:
Hello mayday !
I don't belong in first tri by quite a way :oops: but can't resist replying to a fellow 'horsey' bod :)
We've got 4 horses at home-so lots of work at the moment and OH is working loads so i'm out there mucking out and feeding and huffing and puffing(have just got them fed and sorted for the night :wink: )
I'm into endurance(done a bit of dressage in the past) and have a feisty little arab. My OH is more into hunting and eventing (tho' no time at the mo) and has an ex-racer and an eventer both TB.
Personally i'm not riding at this stage in preg but did till about 15weeks- glad it's winter so they can all just chill for a few months....
It does go very quickly and you'll be back up their before you know it.
Hi Jocymum,

I'm glad there's another horsey person out there. I know there have got to be others given that three quarters of all the horse riders I know are women, and some of them have to reproduce - where else do all the pony club kids come from? I've got a 17.3hh show hunter - was going to be a worker next year but I'm too mean to let someone else ride him at RIHS and HOYS so he's having next year out of the limelight.

Well, I'm feeling less grumpy now. I've got people falling over themselves at the yard to help me. This morning I got there to find one of the grooms had cleaned his stable for me, could be because she's being nice, could be because she wants to be in my good books so I'll let her jump him while I can't. I spoke with my yard manager friend and she has come up with a whole load of exercises I can do with the horse to keep both of us entertained and learning while I am relegated to flatwork, meaning it won't be so difficult to get back into things later. And work have come up with the position I nagged them about. The manager who sorted it out for me gave me a whole bunch of unofficial 'lead-swinging' tips too. So hopefully I will only have to make the drive into work a max of 3 times a week.

The only thing I've got to be grumpy about to day is the fact I'm constipated...... but hey, who isn't :oops:
Oh you lucky bu88er having the mucking out done, I'm sick of winter already :)
Pony club :shock: :shock: :evil: I'd forgottton that being a horsey mum means that :wink:
I'm not constipated :cheer: ....however you can have the fat feet, indigestion and the new need to be rolled out of bed in the morning :rotfl:

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