
Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Daniel is a f*cking stupid twatting selfish ignorant f*cking prick and I f*cking hate him :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

(By the way, Im sure I'll feel better in a little while and Im sure I'll decide that I love him again but right now Im in a mood and I want to have a tantrum so I bloody well will!) :shakehead:

That is all!
well I'm not going to argue with you...

not right now anyway :shock:
x-kirsty-x said:
Daniel is a f*cking stupid tw*tting selfish ignorant f*cking prick and I f*cking hate him :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

(By the way, Im sure I'll feel better in a little while and Im sure I'll decide that I love him again but right now Im in a mood and I want to have a tantrum so I bloody well will!) :shakehead:

That is all!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I wont even begin to explain cos I'll be here all night :roll:

Nope, still pissed off with him. Give me til tomorrow and I think I'll have calmed down :lol:
no need to explain. i think we all feel like that sometimes! :lol:
you'll get over it :hug:
You don't have to explain its just men :x :lol:

Hope you feel better in the morning :hug:
u know, im sure ive just said that exact line :evil: :evil:


Hope ur feeling better soon :hug: :hug:
We were arguing til 3am! :rotfl:

Its sorted now though, til the next time :lol:
Babylicious said:
come on spill -what did he do?

Nothing much to be honest, something small just got blown out of proportion!

I'd had nothing to eat since breakfast and when I dont eat I get really moody and irritable, when he came in from work he was just on the receiving end of it and one thing led to another and we started bickering about anything and everything :roll: We havent argued for about a month so every single little thing thats pissed us off in that time was dragged into it. Im sure everyone can relate to that. Its not so much the things we argue about that piss me off, its the way he argues with me. He'll just sit there and say nothing and throw in the odd comment that he knows will wind me up. He knows which buttons to press.

Then as the night went on we obviously got more tired which didnt help either of our moods and it just got worse. It cleared the air though and we're fine now. One good thing is that at least I was already awake to feed Ryan during the night :lol:

Men...they say women are hard to figure out!! :? :shock: :? :shock:

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