My OHs ex is beating her son where do we go from here!!!!!!?

Things are looking good on your side hunnie and you are doing everything right...make sure you always have any meetings/contact in writing and always write down times and dates of any conversations. We had a seperate diary for SD events. Don't want to put a dampner on things but my OH ex said we we took drugs in front of SD :evil: (which we obviously never) and we mistreated SD therefore she didn't want SD coming to stay with us...and then one day she asked OH to pick up SD for a few days which he did....she then left her with us for 8 much for us not been trustworthy enough or capable of looking after SD. Some days she would ring us saying she was coming to pick her and then wouldn't turn up...other times we wouldn't hear from her for a week or so. We thought when it went back to court this would work well in our favour as she totally went against everythings she had said. When it all went to court again, the judge was still concerened about the "mother's" :? (if that's what you can call her) fears...we had court welfare and social workers come and visit us to do reports. Some women are just pure evil and like to use innocent children as weapons. :evil: When SD would randomly come and stay with us she would tell us things that were going on at home and we were mortified...dont' want to go into things to much on here....but lack of communication between OH and his ex has us believe that these things SD were saying were true...since we have found out alot of it was lies...not all of it but quite a bit. I have added you to my msn hun so next time your online give me a shout...would love to discuss it with you and hopefully give you some sound advice...its a really tricky and horrible situation for anyone to be in and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy....
Here's hoping this finds you well, healthy and happy...and wishing you all the very best... :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your support, i was right after the trip she refused any contact, because we wouldnt buy him a golf club set and a pair of black trainers we dont have enough money at the mo, and we already give her £200 a month and we dont get to see him. Me and my OH had a huge arguement as she said we could have him anytime whatever days she decides as we wont tell her what days weve to have him, well it had to be our way as my OH works 60+ hours a week with one day off. She refused to go to mediation or court and refuses to sign any documents relating to half parental rights and set days. So my OH decided to stick with what he was doing and tell her until she signs summit he wont be taking his son, sounds harsh but its the only way we can do it now. Its also caused a severe rift in the relationship wiv me and OH i wish it would stop so we can enjoy our son weve had 2.5 yrs od hell.... XkelX
Aw Kel hunnie, please don't let it cause arguments between you and your OH, she'd love that...god it gets me so mad when I read your posts...I know how infuriating it can be, we had 11 years of it. You and your OH need to stick together and stick to your guns, I aren't saying it'll be easy cos its really hard work and takes alot of strength. She doesn't have to agree to go to court, if you decide to take that route...its always a long battle though. I really hope that things work out for you...unfortunately for me and my OH we have seperated after 11 years because of the situation....I guess we weren't strong enough but hey what will be will be. You are your OH need to remain strong together. I hope you can get through this.
Love, best wishes and massive :hug:

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