grrrrrr just need a quick vent


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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my HV came this morning to do cadens 6-9month check.dozy cow she is.she said his weight was excellent 23lb 14 and then said he was all in proportion his height etc was good.asked if he could roll over sit up etc etc etc.all was fine.he was eating jam sandwiches for dinner at the time.she went on to ask about his food.she has been obsessed with the fact that caden still has 5 x6oz bottles a day.shes been trying to knock em down to 4 for the past 3 months.she asked what he ate in a typical day so i said cereal and milk for breakfast,(he hates breakfast,not a morning person)usually a sandwich for dinner with yoghurt for pudding and for tea he usually has whatever we have,meat,veg and potatoes,fish etc anything but pasta cos he doesnt like it.she says he isnt getting enough food!i said do you expect him to force feed him then?she said he should be having cooked dinner and cooked tea :( so i said so id be better giving him crappy jars then?she says he should be having toast for brekky,cooked dinner,cooked tea and inbetween cheese cubes,fruit,veg sticks.well no way will he eat that what do your LO's eat?
Ha ha ha she would have a field day with me then, Calleigh at the moment is eating no solids (she is poorly) but usually she doesnt eat alot at all and i offer breakfast, sandwich/pitta for lunch and a cooked tea same as you.

He sounds as if he is doing great hun, an excellent weight for his age, Calleigh is ickle in comparison.

You could always offer him snacks inbetween if he eats them he does if not then he obviously is not hungry. Anyways i thought milk is supposed to be the most important thing whilst they are under 1.

Personally if it were me i would ignore her :wink:
Angel has cereals for breakfast, but not loads coz CBeebies is far more interesting! She has no lunch, not interested. She has cooked tea, generally what we have but if she can't then veg, with yogurt. And weetabix for bed on HV advice to attempt sleep patterns! Nothing inbetween unless i have a sandwich and she's grabbing off my plate.

She is still boob fed as much as ever.
my HV was the same when Emma was that age saying she needed breakfast, snack cooked dinner, snack, cooked tea and milk she never ate it and still doesn't like breakfast or much for dinner. As long as he is happy healthy and a good weight, which sounds like he is, then he is doing well :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
joe doesnt eat that much and he is two. Just ignore her, you sound like you are doing just fine.
helsekia said:
so i said so id be better giving him crappy jars then?

i personally dont think there is anything wrong with jars Willow had jars all the time because im such a rubbish cook she got more nutrients from them then i could have offered her with my cooking.
I would ignore her if it was me. He is happy and a good weight aswell so ignore her and carry on doing what is best for you and him.

I use jars with Kieran, and did with Nathan until he was about 10 months. They're not that bad, probably better than anything I could cook for him at this age.
your LO is eating more than my 3 yr old he's a terrible eater but he's a little fatty, your instincts would tell you if he wasn't eating enough :hug:
Post subject: Re: grrrrrr just need a quick vent

helsekia wrote:
so i said so id be better giving him crappy jars then?

i personally dont think there is anything wrong with jars Willow had jars all the time because im such a rubbish cook she got more nutrients from them then i could have offered her with my cooking.
helsekia said:
so i said so id be better giving him crappy jars then?

sorry didnt mean to offend :hug: :hug: he wont eat jars anyway.kiaras 7 and she still wont eat stuff that comes out of tins :( apart from baked beans that is.well today he had cereal and toast for breakfast,jaket potato and chicken for dinner and fish and potaoes and veg for tea and he has still had 5 bottles so its obviously what he wants,he doesnt like drinking water and i dont like giving him juice.

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