

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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Kai will only eat cheese sandwiches for lunch or tomato soup, and for dinner he will only have chicken nuggets he will not try anything ive cooked him all sorts but he wont eat it. My neice has pasta an stuff but Kai will not eat anything. How do i get him to eat other things?
Ive put him down for school dinners in the hope he will eat different things but he needs other things rather than just this crap he's eating.
He will have cerial for breakfast and he also eats fruit its just lunch an dinner.
Any advice??
My advice would be to give him something different for dinner and don't back down. Sorry it sounds a bit blunt, maybe a small change at first...will he even have sausage?

If you don't offer him the nuggets he will have to have something. My friend had a simialr problem with her little girl and when I was round for dinner the mom was emptying the fridge out offering lots of other choices when the first dinner wasn't eaten. Pick what he's going to have for his tea and stick with it.
Dior went through a stage of only having special k bars???????
or toast. she would scream if i gave her something else
so ild give in as i wouldnt want her to go hungry then the hv said to me. no baby has ever dies through starving themselves even if she wont eat for 2days :shock: she will in the end.

it worked then she eats loads of things now. but her fav are chicken nuggets and fish fingers and peas
ella tried to do this but i just didnt back down and wouldnt give her the things she liked until she had eaten some dinner
wen i was lil i was such a picky eater mum had to cook 5 meals before id consider eating it
she was advised to give me just the one meal and if i didnt eat it was my problem now i eat nething n im a lil piggy

i advice the same as urchin
thanks for the advice i did read yesterday but didnt have time to reply :oops:. Anyway i gave him scrambled egg for lunch with some toast an he ate it :cheer: also for dinner he had chicken dinner with the works an ate some veg. I did explain to him if he didnt eat it he wouldnt get anything else including a pudding an he must have listened for once lol!
Glad things have improved.

I saw a program on TV about something similar. They prepared lots of different veg and fruit and then let the child play with it and taste it and then made pizza with a smiley face on it.

The idea was that food is fun and all the colours, shapes and textures encourage the child to experiment with food and become more adventurous.

Good luck - I hope things continue to improve :)
Thanks beany.
Things seem ok at the min, still demanding cheese sandwich at lunch :lol:.
Dinner times i make him different things an he seems to be ok, think it was more me than him to be honest!
Haha Great news Sophie!

It's true, as long as you tell him you are not going to change your mind you usually find they are too hungry to argue much :lol:
Ide say to him 'what u want? and he's always say chicken nuggets and smiley faces', so me worrying gave it him because ide rather he ate, but not now i just cook an put it in front of him an he eats :lol:
Well done Sophie for sticking to it :dance: , it must be so hard

And well done Kai for being a big boy :dance:
good to hear things going to plan sophie :D

I have just given my sophie some noddy shapes in tom sauce OMG they are horrible to taste no wonder she didnt eat them yuk :puke:
why dont you try to get him to help you prepare something for lunch. its a great way of spending time together and kids tend to like eating something they made themselves, even if they would eat it normally!
you are doing well nicki. my 4 year old refuses to eat vegetables and its driving me nuts.
seras like that she wont eat veg n i cant cook to save my life so beans it is lol
what we tend to do is cook the veg and blend it into his gravy so he still gets some veg. same for spag bog and shepherd pie, or meat pie. just blend veg into gravy.

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