Grrrrr Jordan


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I just watched her and Peter Andre singing for Children in Need, I was thinking, yeah, they're not great, but hey, they're doing it for CIN so not that bad, good for them :)

THEN at the end, they are doing their "Please donate what you can" speech and Bloody Jordan pipes up with..."Oh, just one more thing...our album comes out on......."

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Why can't they just do it cos it's for charity?...why do they need to plug themselves? :puke:
Awwwww i cant watch CIN over here :(

Jordan just sucks.
i know i watched that bit too, cant beleive she said that!!!!
It wuld have been ok if the album profit were going to charity or a percentage, but no, shes just got herself some free advertising :roll:
I missed that. Well she's always been good at, er, 'promoting' herself hasnt she?! :roll:
It's the one day of the year the BBC can get away with shameless advertising :roll: :x
Jayceesmumma said:
It wuld have been ok if the album profit were going to charity or a percentage, but no, shes just got herself some free advertising :roll:

It is, its all for charity :)
I was going to say the same as Cassi she said it because the whole album is for charity!! I thought it was well decent of her to give away Harvey's sensory room. Good on em!
Strangeness said:
I was going to say the same as Cassi she said it because the whole album is for charity!! I thought it was well decent of her to give away Harvey's sensory room. Good on em!

Thats weird that the CIN presenters kind of interrupted her then, like she wasn't supposed to say it.

If it is all for charity then I take it back, it just looked like a blatant plug. :)
they let her say it again without interupption in the interveiw backstage too...then she offered out h's sensory equipment tht was so nice.

but she is soo crap at public speaking :wall: however they will need to bring out a new charity for trauma caused by the album :lol:
cassi said:
they let her say it again without interupption in the interveiw backstage too...then she offered out h's sensory equipment tht was so nice.

but she is soo crap at public speaking :wall:

Ohh, see I was too busy typing on here that I was peed off with her.

I don't think the first people realised it was for charity either cos they swiftly changed the subject didn't they? :lol:
na i agree for charity or not tho she still plugged it..
But you find the majoirty of these "celebs" that semeingly are doign their bit for charity all have something to plug, be it a film, album, etc.
im going to see jorden and petter tomorrow :oops:

i lurvvvve them :lol:

they are switching on the lights in machester:cheer:
i really like the song they sing!! shame they don't always do it justice though!!
cassi said:
Jayceesmumma said:
It wuld have been ok if the album profit were going to charity or a percentage, but no, shes just got herself some free advertising :roll:

It is, its all for charity :)
Ooooh okay i didnt know!
Still, its good for their publicity too so they're not really loosing out on anything lol
Its great its for charity tho :)
Everyone gets publicity when they do things for charity. I don't think they really need the publicity to be honest. The press and top mags love Jordan and Peter and I think it's great they are giving something back.

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