
Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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people are so selfish and rude! what is up with everyone i know, there either pregnant and saying they dont want a girl, or they are hoping to get pregnant with a boy in the future !! it makes me so angry!! whats the big need for having a boy.. or girl?? ok, one of my friends is pregnant with her fith boy and i felt abit bad for her that she really wanted a girl, but the rest of them laugh at the fact were hvaing a girl and say na, i want a boy, all in blue! :talkhand: SHUT UP YOU GET WHAT YOU F*ING GIVEN DUMB***! im over the moon im having another girl i really am but OH not so much and im just pulling my hair out its so annoying! am i being silly or does everybody else feel like its the most ungratefull thing you could possible say??! :evil:
it is annoying hun i had a boy first and everyone kept saying "you must want a girl" and i was like well no i just want a healthy baby and would have been over the moon if Hannah had been a boy but she wasnt and we are happy but when she was born she was prem and quite poorly for a couple of days and thats when your glad that no matter what the sex they are just healthy
We have 2 girls & everyone keeps saying to me 'oh you must be hoping for a boy', but Im not, I just want a healthy baby. Our scan showed that we are possibly carrying a girl (wasnt 100%) & Im fine with that, as long as she is ok, I dont care if its a boy, girl or a purple dinosaur (actually scratch the last one as I dont fancy giving birth to that!!) Hubby was a bit disappointed that it may not be a boy, but I think he just wanted another male in the house!!

You arent being silly, I agree with you.
I think with men its a natural desire to continue their blood line.
Its real high priority in countries like China, where they have a one child only policy or in countries where parents are expected to pay a dowry when their daughthers marry.
I didn't care either way, but my OH wanted a boy.
Everyone expected me to want a girl this time so I have 2 of each! It did upset me when I would say I think Im having a boy and people like my nana would say "oohh no I dont want a boy! If you have another girl its 2 of each!" ??? Hmm :think:
And when we told everyone we was having a girl and they were like Yay and OHs mum said good too many boys already I felt like would they have been dissapointed and let me know it if she had have been a boy!?!?
Baby&i said:
people are so selfish and rude! what is up with everyone i know, there either pregnant and saying they dont want a girl, or they are hoping to get pregnant with a boy in the future !! it makes me so angry!! whats the big need for having a boy? ok, one of my friends is pregnant with her fith boy and i felt abit bad for her that she really wanted a girl, but the rest of them laugh at the fact were hvaing a girl and say na, i want a boy, all in blue! :talkhand: SHUT UP YOU GET WHAT YOU F*ING GIVEN DUMB***! im over the moon im having another girl i really am but OH not so much and im just pulling my hair out its so annoying! am i being silly or does everybody else feel like its the most ungratefull thing you could possible say??! :evil:

I completely disagree and I think ur post is over rude. If people have a preference so what! Its really none of anybodys business. People shudnt laugh at u having a girl, thats just weird, but to say people are being ungrateful for looking forward to a girl or boy is ridiculous. I'm sure they'd be happy either way anyways.

I wouldnt tell anyone to shutup bcoz they said 'oo i'd like a boy' and I certainly wouldnt swear at them either...
I was always joking about wanting a boy (as im not a girly girl) but in all honesty im over the moon im pregnant and will be excstatic with either. I can imagine it would get annoying if you have two boys and people keep banging on about you wanting a girl but just let it go over your head.. poeple are very opinionated with this pregnancy business!

Claire x
I think its a horrible thing for someone to come out with and i can certainly see why your agitated, congraultions would be th eobviously reply rather than * oh you must be disappointed*, or * oh id want a boy * i dont think its too much to ask for people to put their personal preferences aside in order to be happy for you, bet you wish you hadnt told them, as for your OH he'll cheer up !
sorry TAT, didnt mean to offend anyone, but it is rude! a baby is a baby and you are blessed to have either sex. but everyone is entitled to their opinion your right. My friend just sat infront of me and said while rubbing her stomach i dont want a girl and thats that. That is ungratefull it makes me angry and im sure alot of others in TTC with fertility probs agree 100%! people just dont know how lucky they are. and thankyou girls its nice to know that other pregnant women feel the same :hug:
Baby&i said:
sorry TAT, didnt mean to offend anyone, but it is rude! a baby is a baby and you are blessed to have either sex. but everyone is entitled to their opinion your right. My friend just sat infront of me and said while rubbing her stomach i dont want a girl and thats that. That is ungratefull it makes me angry and im sure alot of others in TTC with fertility probs agree 100%! people just dont know how lucky they are. and thankyou girls its nice to know that other pregnant women feel the same :hug:

Yeh thats a total piss take, people say some dumbass stuff, but people not wanting a sex, and looking forward 2 a sex is different. I wouldn take much notice of that kinda nonsense, specially wen its about ur own baby. As 4 ur freind, i'm sure once she finds out wat it is girl/boy, she'll still be happy. It takes a strange person to dislike their baby coz of sex...
I am carrying totaly different this time, with my DD i carried everywhere and got huge on my face, thighs, arms EVERYWHERE so this time i was was heading more towards a boy just bacause im carrying low all on my belly and nowhere else (but really didnt care either way) and when i found out i was having a girl again i was so over the moon, my baby girl is getting a sister :D a smile from ear to ear. im super emotional today and i cried when i saw a picture of a newborn in third tri, so i guess im being over sensative, but i do feel that this whole sex business is rediculous :?
i never minded what sex my children were as long as everything was ok with them, but when i was pregnant with my 3rd people kept saying (i.e oh's dad and his nan) i hope this ones a boy and it really annoyed me. i dont mind what this baby is either but his dad and nan are saying i hope its a boy again
Grrrrr :evil:
sarah113 said:
i never minded what sex my children were as long as everything was ok with them, but when i was pregnant with my 3rd people kept saying (i.e oh's dad and his nan) i hope this ones a boy and it really annoyed me. i dont mind what this baby is either but his dad and nan are saying i hope its a boy again
Grrrrr :evil:

thats unfair, my OHs family did that too and OH wouldnt even consider having a girl so at the scan i said its a girl then? and he said Yes this is your baby daughter. and OH sat there in silence and i was so angry at him we have only just really started talking properly again which is totaly unlike us. i think im just over sensative because im scared of M/c again. its a blessing to be pregnant with a healthy baby. OH is totaly over it all now, he spent a fortune on a big bunch of pink sleepsuits and vests yesterday ;)
Oh hun you rant away as much as you need to.........people just dont think before they speak half the time, and its much more difficult to accept such comments when we have 101 hormones rushing through our bodies!

Im really not bothered what we have, and DH isnt either really (although I know deep down he would love a boy - thats only because he has 2 girls from his previous marriage), I think its fine to have a preference, as long as it is only a preference!

At the end of the day what ever we get will be down to my husband, and maybe he only makes girls?? :D
People like that really annoy me aswell. Fair enough I wanted a girl, but if she turned out to be a boy I would have loved him just the same. Somebody I know is pregnant with a boy, and she had bad results from her nuchal fold scan and had to have an amniocentesis which turned out to be fine, but when she found out about after that she was having a boy she said she was disappointed, and that she really really wanted a girl..I felt really angry when I heard that!! Surely she should be grateful that her baby was okay, she never said anything like that...just 'Oh, I really wanted a girl.' :evil:
When I was in Sainsburys with my 3 gorgeous sons and number 3 (much wanted!) son was just a couple of weeks old a stranger came up to me patted me on the arm and said never mind - I was gob smacked!

A friend was actually on the labour ward having her 6th child, another beautiful much wanted daughter, she already had 1 son and 4 daughters when she was consolled by another patients mum as though she'd suffered a bereavement!!

No explanation or justification I simply share your outrage!

Two of my friends are pregnant at the moment. They REALLY wanted is getting a girl and the other a boy! Oh no - how awful!! :wink: It used to upset me hearing them talk about how much they want a girl and didnt want a boy. It took me 6 months to conceive (which felt like 6 years) and I really couldnt care which team I am in as I know just how lucky I am to be pregnant. I think people should stop and think before they say such silly things...we have all been blessed.

I get people saying to me "I bet you are worried that your baby is going to be ginger" because I have red-heads in my family...what rubbish, I dont care what my little lady looks like and anyway, i love red-heads! :D

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