Grrr awful mw appointment

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Well, I went for my anti-D and it was ok...well, as ok as it could be for a wimp like me :lol:

Then the mw, who wasn't my usual mw, did my fundal height measurment and I'm measuring at 31 weeks....I told her that at my appointment before last baby measured 28 weeks at 31 weeks, I was sent for a growth scan and baby was measuring 31+1 and I was 31+3 so no one was worried and I just have a small bump. I then told her that my usual mw last week after taking the fundal height did a lot of feeling etc and said baby felt as though she was coming along nicely, and according to her measurments baby should be at my breastbone at 36 weeks which is normal.

All she did then was moan at me what having a small baby means and after looking through my notes said it was probably because I smoked at the beginning of my pregnancy-I didn;t find out until quite a few weeks in and stopped as soon as I did.....But she was so rude!

So I'm sat there, trying so desperately not to cry (damn these hormones, normally I give as good as I get!) and she's talking about referring me to the same consultant I saw a fortnight ago yesterday for the same reason....when I said I really didn't think there was any need as everything was fine I was made to feel as though I didn't give two hoots about my unborn child and had a huge lecture about how my actions whilst she's in the womb will set the pattern for her!!

Then she couldn't find the heartbeat and it took quite a few attempts, all the while I'm getting more and more worried, and when she did I said 'Oh thank God' and she turned to me and said 'well, you did say you were feeling plenty of movement this morning, if so there was nothing to worry about....'

I don't know, but it was like a sly little 'so you were lying then' if you know what I mean??

To be honest I could have felt a kick 2 minutes before she put the doppler on but would have still begun worrying when after several attempts the heartbeat wasn't found.

By now I was really fighting back the tears and OH could see this. She started reading my notes and was looking for the referral results before, and started talking about sending me to the consultant when OH said that perhaps it was best if we made an appointment with our usual mw and she'd take it from there as she was the one who referred us last time and she knew me best.

So she yanked out her diary, scribbled out a time in my notes, didn't even ask if it would be convenient etc and with a muttered goodbye she'd gone.

I promptly locked myself in the toilet and cried (danmn those hormones)

It was just I'm wondering if we've done the right thing by waiting to speak to my usual mw.....I've left a message and she's calling me tomorrow.

Maybe if you lot read it you'll think it wasn't so bad and I can blame my hormones, but it seemed a really bad appointment that's all.

*Goes off to make a cup of tea and cry some more*
Oh hun, have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: dont cry, she's not worth it.

What a super bitch! I would make a complaint about that midwife. No on has the right to speak to you like that...... her comments were unnecessary and upsetting and totally uncalled for..... I truly doubt a few weeks smoking would have caused bubs to be smaller (my friends a MW and said lots of folks don't find out that their actually preggo for ages and its a surprise babies are not coming out pickled as some Mummies are drinking and smoking like troopers for months!!), our bodies will make babies big enough for our bodies to cope with, for some that's a 10lb er and for others it's a 6lb er, and as you know the scan showed LO as doing just dandy!!

I would call the surgery and find out about their complaints procedure and follow through. Also each time you book your next few appointmnents specifically request that you don't see that woman. (on a positive note - there is only about 3 appointments left if bubs comes ontime!! :cheer: )

Chin up, get complaint writing and have some chocolate!!!

Big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

C xxx
Also, after 28 weeks LO's hb can only be heard either directly on the heart or over the left shoulder so as a MW she should have known this..... it nearly always takes my MW about 5 mins to find my little wriggler and get a steady hb as one cm move to the left or right and the hb vanishes again!! :?
Ooooh no you are right. She sounds like a right meanie and I totally agree that it will be much more useful for you to see your usual mw. What a shame she put you through that - COW!! I bet she was in a mood at the end because she knows she was a cow to you and you are going to tell your usual mw. which you should.

Hope cup of tea did the trick. And have you tried the new cappucino kitkats? They always cheer me up no end.

x :hug:
No way!! That is TERRIBLE... I'd have probably cried I think! What is it with MWs this week?! I didn't have my usual one (who is sh*t anyway), and the one I did have was awful. :(

Not long to go now and you won't have to worry about all this :hug:

Hope your MW is a little bit more sympathetic about the situation when she calls you back :hug: xx

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