Growth Scan Tomoro


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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Hi girls,

As the title says, i have my 30week growth scan tomoro!! I'm looking forward to seeing LO but i am also really scared that he's going to be a whopper!:shock:

I'm just wondering what to expect from the scan really? Should i be told his estimated weight?

I had a grwoth scan on friday due to my diabetes...i asked the estimated weight and he was 4lb8 roughly at 30+4!!!! big boy :(

So they should be able to tell you? Although I think it depends on the machine they use? x
I'm hoping to get more pics, not sure if they give them at these extra scans tho?

Thanks Jaxx. If they told me his weight i wouldn't know whether it was big or not really for my weeks! Do you know what the average weight is for around 30weeks?
I always have to pay for pics anyway - £1 each. Do you not have to pay Pinky?
Yeah It £5 for 2 or £10 for 4. My first scan I didn't but I think that was more because of the bad news, after that you don't wanna have to be asking someone for money lol!
I asked for a pic and got a 3d one free!! But I dont think thats standard lol

Average is just under mine is a big boy and his tummy is out of proportion :( xx
Oh really! Omg he is big then isn't he! Did they tell you what they expect him to weigh when he's born? Are they concerned about his tummy hun?
Yes :( thats one of the problems with diabetes is that their tummy grows out of proportion!! They are keeping a close eye so he doesnt get too big..but Im on insulin and struggling to control my blood sugar levels..until I do he will continue to grow at a fast rate :( xx
Just had my growth scan at 34 +3 lo is 4ib 13 so on the smaller side got to go back in 2 weeks to check lo hasnt fallen off the graph !!! u r all lucky scan pics cost £10 at our hospital !!!! mw did give my one to put in my bag though of lo holding its foot !!! xxxx
OMG Lewisca you have the opposite to me then? How far behind is yours?? Mine said 4lb8 was just under 33 weeks ?? xx
bout a week i think but i dont grow big babies never have !!! but on my custom chart baby is sitting on the bottom line so they want to make sur it stays there and doesnt drop off it !! would love a chunky baby !! have to wait till mine r here and couple months old till they have chubby cheeks !! xxx
Aww yeah mines on the 97th percentile lol so completely on the opposite end of the range!! My first son was only 6lb5!! lol x
my first was 4ib 10 but induced at 35weeks cos of poor growth my second was 6ib 13 at 39 weeks so neither were big babies !! xx
Good luck Dee, I am sure all will be well. Don't panic at this stage about size as they do have spurts of growth and can change in the chart. As long as baby is healthy all will be fine and u will cope v if he is big-they may try and get him out earlier if they r concerned. Xx
Hi Dee! I don't know what's normal but we had a 4d scan at 29+6 and LO was 3lb 4 and sonographer didn't say anything was out of the ordinary! Measurements were all within normal range too. I don't think I'm having a 'small' baby tho, my mum thinks he'll be over 8lb (I was 8lb1 and my OH was over 9lb!) but I guess u never know til they arrive! Hope it goes well hun xxx

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