Growth scan today - mixed feelings


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I had my second growth scan today to check my LO's size (due to GD).

The scan was amazing - much clearer than last time, even though the sonographer said it wouldn't be because she's too big now for a clear picture, but we got an amazing shot of her face-on, gulping down amniotic fluid! Her little mouth was gulping away like a fish, it looked so cute and we were both amazed. (Pic attached)

Was so happy after the scan but then had to see the consultant, who told me that baby's tummy is measuring big and that I'll need to go back for another scan in 3 weeks, and if she is still measuring too big I'll have to be induced at 37 weeks, which is 4 weeks away :shock:

She mentioned nothing about the head being big, which to be honest I'd be more worried about, but my metformin tablets have been increased to try and control my blood sugar a bit better. Really nervous now! I think I'm going to be giving birth to a little chubster!

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awww the picture is amazing, u can see her little face, i got one like this with Ethan! Hopefully you will get the news you want at the next scan but best get prepared incase she is coming at 37weeks! Just means you dont have 2 wait as long to get ur baby girl! x
wow, that's much clearer than my 32 week scan, I only got a photo of the head, and it's so unclear, i can't quite tell if it is a profile or a full frontal... sigh
Hope baby calms down on drinking all your fluid, and the rest of her catches up with her tummy!
O wow.. Lovely pic.. Scans brilliant isn't it, Charlie was swallowing on my last growth scan! Hope everything goes ok for your next scan! 37 weeks isn't that long away! I've got my next growth scan to check size and my placenta tomorrow morning! Xx
Look forward to hearing about your scan kelly. It really is so cute to see them swallowing :)
Awww Lulu, it's a good job you are so super organised in case she does come early x
thats a great pic, such a cute face :-) hope everything is ok at the next one and you wont need inducing, but if you do then at least you get to meet your little miss a bit sooner, and if your all organised then its something to look forward to :-)
I can only echo what the others have said , try not too worry but on the positive side your well organised :) , beautifully clear picture xx

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