Growing pains?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2010
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I try not to worry, and I'm not actually worried now either, but I have some pains in my lower belly (kind of like period pains). They're not strong, but I feel them (if you understand me).

Is it the baby growing? I certainly want to think so.

Thanks for any replies!

Hi Hun I've been getting these on and off and stabbing pains apparently it's round ligament pain, so everything is stretching and moving up :) xx
:yay: Just the comforting words I needed to hear! :) THANKS! After all, the baby is now the size of an onion!
I had those and called NHS direct i was so worried and the nurse explained to me exactly what was happening and was really nice lol x
That's reasurring to hear! I have had some pains every Week but today they felt stronger. But I'm more relaxed now! Will relax and eat some snax now and than life will be wonderfull again;)
Yep, i get these cramps from time to time! kind of feels like a pulled muscle sometimes, just baby getting nice and big :) xxx
Yep getting these as well. When I wake up and try to move in the mornign it feels as if I've done about a million sit ups.
i have real crampy days......and its just baby growing hon...womb stretching xx
I got cramps around your stage hun. Will just be baby getting bigger :hug: xx
Thanks ladies! It must have been the baby growing because when hubby came home from work yesterday he told me I looked very pregnant:)
yeah iv been getting this so dont worry its all part of the stretching and growing xx

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