Group 1 carseats

I moved my LO in to a Britax dualfix at 10 months, she wasn't quite at the top but she was too heavy for me to lift in and out all the time. Tried just leaving the car seat in the car, but she hated going in it because it was so reclined. It was a real battle.

Also got the Britax Max fix II for the other car. That was £135ish in the sale.

I got all my info off that Facebook page too.
What centile is he on for height? I swore I thought austin would have outgrown his by xmas in height (10minths) & he's barely grown since

They havn't recorded his height on the chart. Only wrote it down elsewhere, ill have a look in a mo and see.

He's only 18lb at the mo, but getting heavy to lift in and out all the time too, and try putting him in, in the car is a nightmare and he'll scream.

Considering the weight they say is 21lbs for next car seat, what if he doesn't reach the weight? size just counteracts that then? Will look for facebook page now x
The maxi Cosi infant seat is good until 13kg (28.5lbs roughly) unless his head reaches the top first. Austin is around 22lbs & he's still got quite a bit to reach in height.
What makes you think it's going to be any different putting him another car seat in the car? If it's the issue of facing the seat opposed to rf then turn the seat first to put him in it? Also remember LO doesn't know what's best for him. He's just going through a phase & it will pass
Weight is irrelevant, as long as he doesn't exceed the maximum for the seat

If baby still fits in, and the head isn't about the top of seat there's no need to change your seat.

Legs bend, and in an accident is rather my boys legs were broken, than his neck!
Just want to clear up im not looking at getting a car seat now. Im after recommendations for in a few months time when we will have to change!
Its not just that im 'eager' to put him in a forward facing, hes fine in the car.
see I find the facebook group page a bit self righteous (I know safety is paramount but they do my head in-sorry!) its really frustrating that erf seats are so expensive and not readily available! if ff seats are so bad then why do they sell them? sorry for my little rant ...x
You can get a joie stages for £130.

If we're going down the route of 'but why do they still sell them' - you could say the same for cot bumpers, technically no legal reason why they can't be sold but also not really the best in terms of safety for babies either of you go by the latest sids information.

You can ff your child from 9 months currently, legally there is nothing stopping you from doing that however it's not the safest option.

I find the page very informative - I actually find the 'if they are so bad why sell them' thoughts more frustrating.
If it's any help my daughter has been on the 98th centile for height and 91st for weight since 8 weeks old. She's now 2 and would have only outgrown her maxi cosi cabriofix at 17 months.
I changed her over at 11 months despite advice telling me otherwise, I however thought she was going to reach 13kg super quickly but she didn't. Their growth really does slow down so I'd probably wait and see how you get on before making the switch. We got a Cybex Sirona and really like it, downside is that it has a small shell but she still fits in it and if she follows her line she's got another year/year and a half in it yet.
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Sorry I didn't realise there was another page of comments!
The admin on the group are just trying to help. They offer advice to people regardless of which way they want to face their child - they might mention ERF seats to check the person knows about them, but they don't force people to choose them, they'll offer advice on the safest forward facing seats too. The group has grown massively recently, and obviously when you get a large group of people together you get differing opinions.

As pumpkin said, you can get a Joie Stages from most of the major stores that sell car seats these days, for about £130 (often less if you've got money off vouchers etc.). That does from birth to seven years I think, so comes to less than £20 per year of use. That's also the same cost (or actually I think a bit less) than a Maxi Cosi Pebble which seems to be a very popular group 0 seat, but which will probably only be used for 18 months.

We got a seat that cost £295, but goes to 25kg rear facing, so will be able to use it until he's about six (so for five years as he went in it when he was one). It was a big outlay to begin with but we saved money elsewhere and his grandparents contributed money towards it instead of buying loads of Christmas presents for his first Christmas.

You could say 'if they are so bad why do they still sell them?' about an awful lot of products that are sold... cigarettes being one major example. The law hasn't caught up with the science (although in both cases it is slowly).
The admin on the group are just trying to help. They offer advice to people regardless of which way they want to face their child - they might mention ERF seats to check the person knows about them, but they don't force people to choose them, they'll offer advice on the safest forward facing seats too. The group has grown massively recently, and obviously when you get a large group of people together you get differing opinions.

As pumpkin said, you can get a Joie Stages from most of the major stores that sell car seats these days, for about £130 (often less if you've got money off vouchers etc.). That does from birth to seven years I think, so comes to less than £20 per year of use. That's also the same cost (or actually I think a bit less) than a Maxi Cosi Pebble which seems to be a very popular group 0 seat, but which will probably only be used for 18 months.

We got a seat that cost £295, but goes to 25kg rear facing, so will be able to use it until he's about six (so for five years as he went in it when he was one). It was a big outlay to begin with but we saved money elsewhere and his grandparents contributed money towards it instead of buying loads of Christmas presents for his first Christmas.

You could say 'if they are so bad why do they still sell them?' about an awful lot of products that are sold... cigarettes being one major example. The law hasn't caught up with the science (although in both cases it is slowly).

Yes, ultimately its a great group and im pleased with the advice ive got, recently the admin have addressed the negativity that some members show...slating people for ff and putting photos of old seats on fb selling pages etc, so its become a more bearable place to visit now! Ive just purchased the joie stages for my mums car and might get one for my own (although I like the more expensive ones typically) I get annoyed when its not a widely recognised fact that rear facing is safer and so many people are ignorant to the fact! These seats should be cheaper and stocked everywhere not just specialised shops. I was obviously having a bad day when I posted my last comment! lol

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