Outgrowing Car Seat already... dunno what to do???


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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can anyone help...
we have a maxi cosi cabrio fix car seat for theo its rear facing. but he is soooo tall that his feet are now scrunched up against the backrest of the actual carseat. we wanna stick with maxi cosi, however the next stage seats say from 9months (weight 20bl). theo weights 17lb 8oz already... does this mean he is suitable for this seat, or does he defo need to be 9 months, if so i dunno what we are going to do??? he is going to definatly outgrow his car seat in the next month

can anyone help????
thank you
they need to be 9 months to give the muscles in their neck time to strengthen. We hve the Britax First Class which can go either rear or forward facing which is great.
We have a similar problem with our tall girl (off the charts) but we're told that as long as her head is below the top of the car seat then it's fine. Her feet have been scrunched up against the seat for a good couple of months now but there's still a good bit of car seat above her head. Forward facing car seats are only suitable for much older babies (9 months, preferably older) because of their head and upper body control, not just their weight.

If you really think he won't fit then you'll need to go for a group 0+1 car seat - I think Britax is one of the main makers of them. Maxi Cosi don't make any of these unfortunately else we'd probably have got one. Instead we're holding out as we want a Maxi Cosi group 1 car seat (probably the Priori XP or Priorifix) when she's older.

Edit: snap drea :lol:
My friend told me that they wouldnt sell her a forward facing seat even tho her child was 9 months because she had to be over 20lb as well and also be able to sit unsupported for 30 mins!?! ryan is now in a forward facing car seat but weighs 19lb 4oz and only occasionally sits for 30mins at a time
get a birth to 4 years seat.. argos have 1 for around £40 i have it its brilliant.. alternitivly mothercare sell the britax si seat for about £100..
Its the head that matters, not the feet, as long as the head is not over the edge of the car seat it's fine.

We have recently moved Riley up to a bigger seat, still rear facing, like L&A says get one thats suitable to have rear facing for the right weight and you'll be fine :)

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