Green Tea


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2007
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I've been browsing through a few fertility websites hyperfocusing on conceiving like we all do :lol: and everyone of them mentioned that Green tea can increase the odds of conception. Infact if you drink more than one cup of the green stuf a day it can double your odds!
Has anyone else heard this? And is it true?
I'll see you all down the health shop later but you'll have to get behind me in the queue! :D
Hi :wave: I hadnt heard that green tea increased your chances of conception, I have been drinking it every day since the beginning of this month though because I have read that it decreases your chances of miscarriage. Its all good anyway :D . I bought 3 boxes of different types, plain green tea, earl grey and apple and pear. All are very nice indeed! If it increases your chances thats even better!
As ususal there are two sides to this story.....

Why is green tea good for you?
According to some of the doctors, switching over to green tea can help you lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, or maybe even get pregnant, if you're a woman and so inclined.

The healthful properties of green tea are largely attributed to polyphenols, chemicals with potent antioxidant properties. In fact, the antioxidant effects of polyphenols appear to be greater than vitamin C. The polyphenols in green tea also give it its somewhat bitter flavor. These polyphenols are associated with anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects. Studies are still incomplete and inconclusive, but are pointing strongly toward having a protective effect against these two deadly diseases.

In the past, women having difficulty conceiving might have been advised to limit their caffeine intake. But recent studies suggesting that stimulating drinks, and specifically green tea, might boost fertility. In a study conducted at Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of Northern California in Oakland, researchers found that women who drank more than one half cup of caffeinated green tea every day doubled their odds of conceiving. No significant association was found for other caffeinated beverages; therefore researchers concluded that a chemical component of tea other than caffeine might have been responsible for the increase in fertility.

Because this conclusion opposes earlier findings that caffeine can inhibit fertility, the researchers acknowledge that their results may be attributable to green-tea's association with other lifestyle factors that might enhance fertility such as smoking less, eating less fat and regular exercise.


Green Tea
Green tea has been thought to be a health-promoting drink since ancient times. However, recent research has cast doubts over its benefits during pregnancy and has even raised some concerns about its safety. This is just one reason why it is wise to be cautious.

Some doctors are concerned that green tea may affect the body's folic acid (also called folate) levels. Folic acid is an important nutrient during pregnancy. One study linked neural tube defects in babies, such as spina bifida, to women drinking a large amount of green tea at around the time of conception. Spina bifida is a serious condition, which occurs when the tube around the central nervous system - the neural tube - fails to close completely. Neural tube defects such as spina bifida are usually associated with folic acid deficiency.

So it depends which way you view it really......

I guess its one of those - 'everything in moderation' type of things
most dieting programmes say its good for your health aswell so i guess theres no harm in trying it :hug:
I drink 1 or 2 cups of it a day :D

One study linked neural tube defects in babies, such as spina bifida, to women drinking a large amount of green tea
I would say its good in moderation.

If anyone ate large amounts of oranges a day it would have some reverse effect too.

I brought some whilst TTC but then read about its affect on Folic Acid so gave the unopened box away


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