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got results

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
its been one of those day and i dont know what to do with myself i really dont

i got some results of some tests that i had taken a little while ago and got called to the hospital to look over results they showed i had antiphospholipid syndrome (also know as hughes syndrome).

its the clotting of the placenta its called sticky blood and because it clots it cant get through to the blood vessels in placenta, it is assosciated with pre eclampsia i have been told its quite common in second and third trimester. I still need to realy look into it all as when i was down there didnt take a lot in but have been given good info from docs and where to get more.

im more likely to m/c again at anytime especially later on in pregnancy, so they think its also why i lost carrie-ann as well, this has really put my head in a spin there is a really high chance can happen again, so i dont know whether to try again i know i have lot more support and we wont try for few more months yet im just so scared over it all.

all they can offer is asprin or heparin medication to thin the blood, so hopefully oxygen can then get to baby, but that something to worry bout in future if it happens again.

I think in a way im relieved i know there is a reason, i know why i lost my girls but in a way its also knowing that this can happen again.

I dont expect any replies to this i just wanted to let you all know.

:hug: :hug:
Oh hun im not sure what to say except atleast you know a little better now why this happened and can hopefuly get a little reassurance that if you do ttc again they can try and help you in some way. But only you know when that time will be if even at all. Sorry im crap at giving advice but i know what im trying to say and if you ever need to talk im always here for you babe no matter what as are we all :hug: :hug: :hug:

Take Care
Candy -xxxx-
Oh Tracey its a lot to take in I should think - can you arrange another appointment in a couple of weeks time so you can write down any questions you want answers to?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you candy, will get in touch soon to catch up hope your all well :hug: :hug:

ROM- thank hun, yeah hopefully will its good idea, i havent had chance to speak to steve yet, but will when he is back tommorrow, im sure he will have plenty of questions too, i dont know why but at moment im feeling ok bout it all maybe nothing has sunk in yet :hug: :hug:
Hiya Tracey

I'm more of a lurker than a poster, but reading your post I felt compelled to respond as I have a similar condition and wanted to offer you a little hope.

I suffer a similar problem, although I have Antibodies (Anticardiolipin)present that come under the Antiphosphilipid umbrella, I don't actually have the syndrome.....However they are both known as causing "Sticky blood" and the treatment and success rates for both are the same....treatment is low dose Aspirin (75mg) and Heparin daily (Usually Clexane 40mg) and with treatment, successful pregnancies for women requiring this treatment is very high! - You have regular growth scans, checking growth and fetal cord blood flow - as we are at risk of both fetal growth ******ation and fetal demise, but such scenarios are rare with correct care and management of the syndrome.
-I had 3 miscarrieges before diagnosis and my next pregnancy was treated and I went on to have my son. I now have a son and a daughter, so I just wanted to let you know that your condition is treatable and you have every chance of your next pregnancy being without problems.

I wish you all the very best.
Tracy... I am glad to hear you have an answer... women who have treatment for Hughs during pregnancy have an 85% chance of having a normal full term pregnancy without complications and a 95% chance of having a baby with only minor complications.

I know its not very helpful considering you really want a 100% odds considering all the pain and heartache you have had to endure. But luckily its a condition that can be treated.

Remember the medical profession will always give you a worse case senario, but you have an answer at last... I think its always worse when you don't know why these things happen.

When you are ready to try again... make sure you push for all the help and care you deserve and need... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Tracey, I'm really glad you've got some sort of reason at last :hug:

Another (sort of) positive story about blood problems

My sister in law has a blood clotting disorder (not sure which one unfortunatly) but she has know about since she was a child, as she inherited it from her Dad, so the doctors were prepared when she got pregnant. She had to have two daily injections of heparin from almost day one until a couple of months after delivery. As soon as she got a positive test the heparin started. She then had three very early miscarriages but the doctors didn't think this was related to her blood problem and was being investigated when she got pregnant again and had a very healthy pregnancy and had a lovely little boy.

She got pregnant again (a bit earlier than she intended) and had the heparin again, she did develop very severe pre eclampsia so the baby was delivered 8 weeks early (baby was fine luckily, she's now nearly two and very healthy) but the doctors think the pre eclampsia was due to other family medical complications not the blood disorder.

She's love more children but they've decided it's too dangerous for her to risk pre eclampsia again

I don't know if this helps you or not but despite all her medical problems she a wonderful mum to two beautiful children.

As the others have said, write down all your questions so if you can get another appointment you'll be able to ask the doctors.

Good luck with whatever you decide :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have a blood disorder that means i have to have clexane when i am pregnant also, but mine was only discovered after i had a prossible blood clot on my lung at 8 weeks pregnant. Its called Protein S deficency.

My boy was born perfect and healthy thankfully.

If you have any questions about it just ask i'm happy to help. :D
Wow thanks so much for letting us know i feel happy that you have found somewhat light at the end of tunnel in a reason as to why what happened had happened :hug:

I think it would be good to talk to other mums who have been through the same thing and share your worries like someone else mentioned aspririn heparin and other drugs have been proven to be quite successful, i hope something in the future for you will too.

:hug: Always here for you babe!!! :hug:
:hug: i am so glad you have got answers as to what happened :hug:
i dont really know alot about the treatment but i would imagine the blood thinners would have a good success, and now they know about the condition they know what to look out for.
I have got an appointment in march to start investigations as to why i keep m/c i really hope they come up with something for me.
im a bit over whelmed tonight with all these lovely positive posts you all have given me, it really has reassured me that imnot the only one and that others are in same kind of situation,

i just want to thank you all and we are going down to the hospital in 2 weeks to see the consultant again and go through some more things, steve has been great and has a few questions which i hadnt thought of either.

i will PM some of you if any answers cant be given at hospital when we go next, but myself and steve are going to be trying again in next couple of months maybe now that we have looked more closely at things.

thank you and love you all so much your all the best :hug: :hug:
Hi Tracey

I now have been told i have the same as the other lady above antibodies problem. i pushed for clexane prepregnancy. They were a little slow to give it as its £120 per nonth of injections but i got it. I take it from day 14 to af. I didnt have any luck on my first cycle but now on day 16 and trying again. Check out if this would help you and push for it if you have to.

glad you got some answers and there is something that can be done...sounds like you are doing things the sensible way

here whenever :hug:
glad u got answers tracey, rachael's post sounds very positive doesnt it.
good luck with your consultant app at the hospital, and good luck to you and steve when you are ready. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Really glad you've got some answers at last, don't know much about this condition myself but it sounds like you've got a pretty good chance of having a successful pregnancy in the future so please please don't give up.

All the very best :hug:
tracey im so glad you have some answers hun look at it as a step forward :hug: we lost jamie due to blood clotting in the placenta at 34 weeks and on christopher i had daily injections of clexane 40mg and 75mg of aspirin every day also had lots of monitoring and scans to check the blood flow through the placenta plus monthly check ups and blood tests with a heamatologist (sp) not sure if same would apply where you live but now when i get pg i have to have a scan at 6-7 weeks to check for a heartbeat or what they call a viable pregnancy then start the injections and aspirin straight away and continue till 36-37 weeks pg
dont let it put you off ttc again hun the treatment helped us have a beautiful healthy boy :hug: :hug: :hug:
always here for you hun if you want to know anything else about the care or treatment we had please pm me il be happy to answer any questions you have if i can :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Im so glad you got answers. I had Lucie at 29 weeks my waters went at 25, shes 16 now and I then went on to miscarry 3 times. Now awaiting my first lot of blood results to test for Hughes. The waitings awful and they cancelled my appointment too!I go next week thankfully and am hoping for a positive result so I have a reason and hopefully a solution as Im desperate to try again. I feel so sad that it takes all this heartache to get tested and the years have since gone by when Id of liked the children closer in age and of course Lucies suffered the losses too. I wish you all the best Tracey. All the positive news I hear once youre on treatment keeps me going xxxxxxxx
Hi Tracey,

I'm so sorry to hear your news :( - but as the other ladies have posted, on the positive side - at least you have some answers. At least this way, yourself & the medics have some chance of thinning your blood so little one can survive.

Any loss is devastating & hearing such news must add to it - but in time you will be ready to try again.

My best wishes to you xx

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