post mortom results

thanks ali im really getting myself in a pickle over all this sorry to keep asking you questions hun but your the only person i know that has gone through the same thing :(
really appreciate your help xxxxxxxxxx
please dont apologise hun, i was in your shoes not so long ago and i had a right hard time working everything out and finding people in the same situation. I appreciate the opportunity to pass on anything that ive learnt.

All you need to focus on now is your grieving and your little family. You will recieve the right treatment when you fall pregnant regardless of what this test is and what the results are. Everything is going to be fine, Jamie will watch over you.

Love ali xxx
thankyou ali and thanks everyone for your kind replies xxxxxxx
Hi there Rach,

Just wanted to say glad you got your results and can stop wondering why, if, but and maybe.
Here's wishing you every bit of luck in the future...
Don't know what else to say....
Love to you and all your family
Hi...Im happy you have closure and that you are ok...i guess as you said it is at least good closure cause you can still give jamie a little brother or sister in the future :) Im sure he will be watching from heaven and playing with Kyler.

Its also nice to see that you have got someone to talk to and confide in with Alison, and she is now waiting for her next baby so it must give you hope and help quite alot. Its such a shame that you both had to go through what you did,..But reading these posts shows that there is hope and how strong you guys really are.

Best wishes
Cas x

Im glad you finally know what had gone wrong during this terrible time and that they are doing things to help your future pregnancies.
Hugs to you and your family.
thanks everyone am still trying to come to terms with the fact that my body killed my angel jamie no matter what anyone says about not blaming myself i feel there is no one else i can blame :( i start counselling this week on tuesday so hopefully things will start to improve sooner or later xxxxxx
you're in my prayers rach... i wish my friend jo was registered on here... her body did the same to baby leon, someone who you can relate to.

hope your counselling really helps you, over the years its helped me get through alot of stuff, obviously nothing like what you've been through.

lots of love and hugs for you rach

Be strong Rach... You're walking a path I hold no knowledge of, but my heart goes out to you. You reflect extraordinary courage - soon your upside down world will recover.

Thinking of you. :hug:
Emilia xx
My heart goes out to you Rach. Am pleased your mind is at ease now and you can start preparing for ttc again. Little Jamie will always be with you in mind and spirit. xx
So pleased to read this Rach I really least now you can put your worries to rest and know when you get pregnant again you will be throughly monitored and looked after :hug:
Rach it is good in the fact that next pregnancy you will be constantly monitored, but so conclusive of wee Jamie's life. I hope you are okay, just want you to know you are in my thoughts. :wink:
thanks everyone you have all been very kind and supportive xxxxxx
Hey Rach,

Just sending you lots of love and a big :hug:

Good Luck trying to concieve again.

I'll keep everything crossed for you xxxx

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