Hi everyone, really excited to be joining you in here
Well after a long old chat with OH about my feelings and giving him a few days to think about what I said, he has just told me that he is happy for me to come off the pill in June 2013!
It will mean 2-3 months of NTNP whilst the pill comes out of my system and my cycles regulate themselves but we should be full steam ahead for full on TTC by August/September 2013 It also means that I can start taking folic acid/prenatal vits from June onwards and make sure our diets are better etc.
I was on the depo for 5-6 years until about 3 years ago and my cycles were completely back to a normal 28 days with day 14 ov the month after I came off it (16 weeks after my last injection) so there is a small chance I could catch in the NTNP months anyway, but OH is cool with that.
I'm soooooo excited to finally have a concrete date. I have been broody for as long as I remember and although I would love to be pregnant right this minute, it feels ok knowing I have a date to start....broodiness is so much harder to manage when you have no idea when you will ever start trying.
Now begins the mission to google as much info as I can. I have lurked on here for a long time reading posts but now I feel I can properly get going on what I need to know.
Well after a long old chat with OH about my feelings and giving him a few days to think about what I said, he has just told me that he is happy for me to come off the pill in June 2013!
It will mean 2-3 months of NTNP whilst the pill comes out of my system and my cycles regulate themselves but we should be full steam ahead for full on TTC by August/September 2013 It also means that I can start taking folic acid/prenatal vits from June onwards and make sure our diets are better etc.
I was on the depo for 5-6 years until about 3 years ago and my cycles were completely back to a normal 28 days with day 14 ov the month after I came off it (16 weeks after my last injection) so there is a small chance I could catch in the NTNP months anyway, but OH is cool with that.
I'm soooooo excited to finally have a concrete date. I have been broody for as long as I remember and although I would love to be pregnant right this minute, it feels ok knowing I have a date to start....broodiness is so much harder to manage when you have no idea when you will ever start trying.
Now begins the mission to google as much info as I can. I have lurked on here for a long time reading posts but now I feel I can properly get going on what I need to know.