Got my first midwife appointment!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Went to the docs today and they felt my tummy to make sure i wasnt over 12 weeks as my last 2 periods before this were so light, definately cant feel anything over my pelvis yet so could be 9 or 5 weeks but u think it will be 5 weeks tomorrow!

My first appointment with the midwife will be 4th october yey!
woooo congrats babe :hug: i went docs today andi have to go hosp to meet my midwife how pathetic :evil: xxx
i went to my doctor last week and he filled in a form and basically kicked me out without explaining anything thats gonna happen.
im still none the wiser.
im assuming im waiting round for the midwife to contact me but hes not actually told me that.
between what weeks do you get your first scan too?
GPs are not always good with advice around pregnancy, you really have to probe them for information! You could ask if they have a GP with a specialist interest in pregnancy (my surgery has an allocated GP).

I was given the number of the mid-wife and asked to call her - if I was you, I would phone the surgery and ask the process re contacting the midwife or you could be waiting and nothing happens.

In my area (Cambs) you get a scan at between 11-14 weeks, unless you have bleeding earlier than this and then they scan you earlier as well (I had this at 8 weeks).

I work for the NHS myself and I have to say that you just have to keep asking for advice and help as it is not always offered!! I think sometimes they assume you know more than you do! Hope this helps x
not long after making this post a letter came from the hospital. the midwife is coming to see me on the 9th october
i feel a bit better now

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