Got my Down Syndrome test results

I got told on the day of my scan that the fluid measured 1.2 and the letter i got through the post a week or so later with my blood results said "Low Risk" xxx
Well im thinking that im going to be one of these over dramatic mothers who rushes their child to the docs at the sign of a sniffle. I rang up the midwife today to discuss my results of my nt test, as it said you could on the letter, and as i am worrying still thought it might put my mind at rest. Anyway, she laughed at me when i told her the number, so then i felt really stupid!x
Don't feel stupid hun - grrrr some of these midwifes make me so cross!!

I can't remember what numbers I had, but I paid more attention to the 'low risk' written at the bottom of the page!

I know what you mean about worrying, I think you'll find you aren't alone in this! Xx
I really think they should explain this better! I got 1:40,000 and that meant nothing to me until I asked the midwife!
Mine is 1:150 can someone tell me what that means......letter does say low risk though.x
It means if 150 people were to have babies potentially 1 of those babies may have downs syndrome and the other 149 of those babies would be without it. Is that what you wanted to know?x
Mine was trisomy 21 risk (downs) is 1 in 21914, trisomy 13/18 (patau's/Edwards) risk is 1 in 181624 so both extremely low risk.

It means if 150 people were to have babies potentially 1 of those babies may have downs syndrome and the other 149 of those babies would be without it. Is that what you wanted to know?x
Thanks hun x

Sorry i should of explained better....the letter says acual risk is 1 in 2225 but then says The screening cut-off used in the programne is 1:150? Not sure what that means if acual risk is 1 in 2225? xx
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It means anyone with a result less than 1:159 is classed as high risk and will be called bck for further investigations. However, you are not in the high risk category, they just told you that for information purposes. Your actual risk will be 1:2225 so you have nothing to worry about :) x
The cut off for low and high risk is 1:150. So your result is considered low risk. If you had a result which said 1;130 then you woul be high risk for downs and offered further testing like an amnio, but as you are low risk, there is a higher risk of mc by having the amnio than having a baby with downs.. Hope that helps! Don't panic your result is fine and I'm sure baby is perfect and healthy!
Also, the midwife i went to see on Friday did try to explain how the results work and basically she said that a result of 1:2500 is actually no worse than 1:15000 because this result is generated using a computer and is just a statistic based on many factors x
Yep just to confirm that anyone with a number of 1:150 or less would be considered high risk and offered the diagnostic tests.

Mine said 1 in 10,000 and that was low risk. Don't worry. My friend had 1 in 500 and had a happy healthy baby xx

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