Got my doctors appointment


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Did it this morning. Had to drop some stuff off at the health centre so went in with OH & booked a double appointment for January 13th!

I'm due for my period on the 7th so I'm wondering if perhaps she'll be able to take blood from me right away for 21 day bloods.

Going to have to sit down & drill the OH on what we're going to say, like the fact we've been trying for over a year & weren't exactly careful before that. But it'll be nice just to get some reassurance.

And kind of funny fact, in ten days it'll be our first wedding anniversary, it's been that long since I've been to the doctor I was still down under my maiden name!
Hey hun, I've got my 18 month ttc appointment in january aswell, it's been booked for over 6 months, never dreamed I'd actually have to use it! Do you know what to expect?? We've had bloods and semen done but I've no clue about the next step.

I agree it will be reassuring to actually be listened to now that we've been trying for so long. Fx we get whatever help it is we need xoxo
Didn't want to read and run, but I would like to say good luck for your first appointment and hope this is the first step of getting your BFP!

Donna x
Thats great, Hopefully you wont need it though :)

I have a good feeling about january!
Hey hun, I've got my 18 month ttc appointment in january aswell, it's been booked for over 6 months, never dreamed I'd actually have to use it! Do you know what to expect?? We've had bloods and semen done but I've no clue about the next step.

I agree it will be reassuring to actually be listened to now that we've been trying for so long. Fx we get whatever help it is we need xoxo

I feel abit guilty in my treatment i lied and fibbed my way into getting my tests quickier kind of anyways....

I had tried for three years with several long term partners and had nothing not even a fake positive so thought that was me out for the count. I had the day 21 bloods done they upset me with mine...

Was told I didn't ovulate on that cycle I felt useless like I didn't work right :S

After that I had ultrasounds done on my ovaries (including a internal one with a dildo shaped probe :( lol) Found out I have PCOS! :( from this....

My partner had his sperm done. But we never picked the results up as I got pregnant that month he did them strangley.

then after that I was booked in for an xray for a dye to be flushed into my womb to see if my tubes were blocked but I never came on so I had to cancel it as I got pregnant funnily enough :S was my 21 st birthday too (just after when I would have conceived)

Hope this helps you guys know what tests are too come and I wish you all the best you never know you might get caught like I did and not need to carry them on x
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Hey hun, I've got my 18 month ttc appointment in january aswell, it's been booked for over 6 months, never dreamed I'd actually have to use it! Do you know what to expect?? We've had bloods and semen done but I've no clue about the next step.

I agree it will be reassuring to actually be listened to now that we've been trying for so long. Fx we get whatever help it is we need xoxo

This'll be our first doctor's appointment so not sure what'll happen. I'm really hoping that she doesn't just say, keep trying. I wouldn't mind if she gave us a date at which point they'll start doing tests but ideally she'll jump into action and start talking about tests they can do. I expect she'll want me to have a smear test which I'm due but have been putting off making the appointment so I'll have to get myself psyched up for that (then again, if we're going to have trouble conceiving I suppose I'd better get used to people fiddling around down there :rolleyes:)

Hope you get good news before your appointment so that you don't actually need to use it. :)
Thats great, Hopefully you wont need it though :)

I have a good feeling about january!

Thanks hun, like your new pic.

I'm hopeful for our relaxed cycle but I feel even more hopeful about something happening at the beginning of next year, maybe around February/March time, we'll see. :)
Hey hun, I've got my 18 month ttc appointment in january aswell, it's been booked for over 6 months, never dreamed I'd actually have to use it! Do you know what to expect?? We've had bloods and semen done but I've no clue about the next step.

I agree it will be reassuring to actually be listened to now that we've been trying for so long. Fx we get whatever help it is we need xoxo

I feel abit guilty in my treatment i lied and fibbed my way into getting my tests quickier kind of anyways....

I had tried for three years with several long term partners and had nothing not even a fake positive so thought that was me out for the count. I had the day 21 bloods done they upset me with mine...

Was told I didn't ovulate on that cycle I felt useless like I didn't work right :S

After that I had ultrasounds done on my ovaries (including a internal one with a dildo shaped probe :( lol) Found out I have PCOS! :( from this....

My partner had his sperm done. But we never picked the results up as I got pregnant that month he did them strangley.

then after that I was booked in for an xray for a dye to be flushed into my womb to see if my tubes were blocked but I never came on so I had to cancel it as I got pregnant funnily enough :S was my 21 st birthday too (just after when I would have conceived)

Hope this helps you guys know what tests are too come and I wish you all the best you never know you might get caught like I did and not need to carry them on x

It's fantastic that you never needed to go through with all the tests. Not long for you to go now. :D

Hopefully we'll have a similar outcome. :)
thanks hun just hope you get the same but thats the order I got referred at it was about 4 months before I had the xray sorted.... Scan was about 3 months in and bloods 2 months in as you had to wait for you cycle to begin and mine were about 31-33 days apart :S
Been trying to reply to this all day but my internet is playing up :roll: Off and on all the time...

Thats good news Kizzi :)

Not sure about if they'll do your 21 day if you are only saying you have been ttc for a year and using protection haphazardly before that.

At the vey least i supposed they'll give you an indication of when to go back for tests if they don't takes hubby's age and history into account.

Good on you ;)
Very good luck to you both Kizzi ad KatBana! Fingers crossed you'll have an understanding GP who will book you in for all the necessaries straight away.
Had a lovely long discussion with OH about it last night. We realised that we were actually NTNP for longer than we thought we were :lol: which isn't really a comforting thought because it probably puts us closer to cycle 18 than cycle 13 but I'll just stick with when we officially decided we were going to go for it. I'll be cycle 14 by the time we see her.

I think she might suggest that stress is a factor, which is probably is, it's been a very stressful year for both of us, so hopefully she'll suggest something to help there. And then to maybe give us a date in the summer where if nothing has happened by that point, we'll go for tests. I'm not sure where the nearest place for that would be, is there a website where you can put in your postcode & it'll tell you where you'd be likely to go for treatment?

Is there a chance that I could get folic acid on prescription? Are they likely to do that if you're ttc? She's fairly easy going with prescriptions, we used to get spermicide cream which technically should've been on prescription for me, but because I had to pay for mine, she added it to OH's prescription so we could get it for free. :)
I hope we don't take ntnp into our cycle count because then i'd be on cycle... 84ish lol

I am under the impression that folic acid can be prescribed free of charge if you are ttc :)

Hmmm - maybe this site would do the job?
Thanks for that Louise, if nothing else, hopefully we'll get some free folic acid out of the visit. :lol:

And that site was really helpful as well. Kind of weird to think that there's only 10 fertility clinics in Scotland, only 7 do NHS patients and only 3 are within travelling distance of us.
I didn't know you was in Scotland Kizzi :)

I thought it was a bit weird that i couldn't find a clinic near me that only did private.

Don't rely too much on the success rates either because they aren't very reliable and are outdated.

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