Good Sleepers Thread.

George is an excellent sleeper, he has his bath around 7pm and I aim to have him in bed for 8.30. He goes down awake and settles himself and then will sleep till around 7.30, he comes into bed for a cuddle and generally he will sleep for another hour. We have been so lucky with him, he loves his kip just like his Daddy :D
Jacob is sleeping from 7-7 now, and he sometimes even sleeps until 8:30! Then I feed him and we try to keep him up, but sometimes he will go back to sleep until around 9! :D
:shock:So green with envy! Emms is coming out of months of being a bad sleeper to waking once in the night. Please God let me have some of your good vibes for my little Emms! :pray: :pray:
4 of mine have been great sleepers all sleeping through from 6 weeks old
ambers a monster and wakes every hour at night :roll:
YAYYYYY somewhere we can brag about our good sleepers.

Caitlyn went down at 7pm and will go to about 9am :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

She will prob wake up about 7am play with her teddies and then go back to sleep til 9am. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Shes done this since October. She used to go down at 8.30pm and then moved it down herself
Yup Coreys great... 7pm till about 9/10/11 depending on the day/if we get up and make noise!!

He will then have 2.5-3hours during the day... I hope the next one is as good!!
Seren is fab, asks to go to bed and sleeps till about 8 - 8.30. And Cally sleeps 7.30 ish till about 8 - 8.30 and she is so good she even latches herself on at night without waking mummy ;)
I have a good sleeper. Always known night from day. I can set my clock by her now, 7pm-7am. I have had to start waking her in the morning at 8am recently though so might move bedtime a bit earlier as I like to get up at 7am otherwise it makes the rest of our day routine a little late.
It worked Emms slept 7.15pm - 7.45am last night!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Well done Ems.

Caitlyn slept 7pm til 7am, had her dummy then back t sleep til 9am.
theo used to be an awful sleeper, but since doing a routine with him he now sleeps 7:30pm - 7am
Naps 9am-10am
12:30 - 1:30
4pm - 4:45

he is such a good boy when it comes to going down to sleep. (from about 3months old) we put him in his cot and he just lays there untill he falls asleep. (such a godsend from having to rock him to sleep and slowly lower him in to his cot) so he didnt used to be a good sleeper, but now he is brilliant!
tinkerbell* said:
theo used to be an awful sleeper, but since doing a routine with him he now sleeps 7:30pm - 7am
Naps 9am-10am
12:30 - 1:30
4pm - 4:45

he is such a good boy when it comes to going down to sleep. (from about 3months old) we put him in his cot and he just lays there untill he falls asleep. (such a godsend from having to rock him to sleep and slowly lower him in to his cot) so he didnt used to be a good sleeper, but now he is brilliant!

BONUS :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I have a good sleeper too yay! Isnt it great? :cheer: My friends with babies are totally jealous!

Jack has slept 12 hours from around 3 months. I get him ready for bed and give him his night time feed at around 7pm, then quick kiss and night night into cot and usually dont hear a peep until 8 - 8.30am, sometimes 9am or later! We moved him into his own room at around 6 weeks and always tried to let him know the difference between day and night so dont know if that helped, but i just think we are really lucky.

And it makes it much easier if we want to leave him with a babysitter and go out as its pretty much guaranteed he will just sleep! Happy days!
Molly sleeps really well. Goes down between 7 and 8, wakes at about 5 for a feed and then goes back to sleep till about 10ish. Although she doesn't need that 5am feed, it's just habit so I've been trying to keep her in bed till 7 the last few mornings, it's working so far :D

Hope she stays like this :pray: ! We're going to our first gig since we had her on Wednesday and I'm terrified she'll wake up and scream and I'll be in manchester.
The girl was awful a while ago - but now is fab, wakes up once for her midnight bottle - well when we go to bed - and she wakes up and its ready for her :lol: sleeps through till 7 now yay
Woooooooo....just wanted to share my joy at violet sleeping thro the night for a week now!!! :cheer:

She used to be a pretty rubbish sleeper...before chriatmas she was up every 2hours, it was hard work.
After christmas I introduced a dream feed and she was a lot better then last week I dropped it and she's slept thro ever since!!

I'm so proud of her!! :D

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