Good news breastfeeders!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I know there are quite a few new mums that have struggled through the pain of breastfeeding or are wondering what the point is in continuing when formula manufacturers blatantly say their milk is as good as breastmilk.....well read this! ... 23e80.html

Finally some solid proof that breastfeeding does increase your bubs IQ!

Yay! :dance: Makes me feel good knowing that I got through the tough times with both of mine and have hopefully given them a head start.

So pat yourselves on the backs ladies and be PROUD!
I still don't believe it, me and my Brother were breastfed and we're both thick as s**t :lol:
Princess_Puddles said:
I still don't believe it, me and my Brother were breastfed and we're both thick as s**t :lol:

I was bottle fed and am brainy as fuck :wink:

Can't argue with the facts though........ :rotfl:
I was both breast fed and formula fed - beat that!!!!! - not too sure what that means but I wanted to join in.

Have to say though if anyone had seen my daughter try to put her trousers on this morning, with both legs in one trouser leg they might not agree with ther research - would she be told that one goes in each!!!
I was both breast fed and formula fed - beat that!!!!!
ner ner so I was I, boob for 2 weeks and then onto the bottle. Must have been a scary experience for my mum as she didn't even bother trying with my sisters (and they're thick as pigshit so I obviously benefitted :wink: ).
milliepops was on breast for 8 months and formula for 3, she's had the best of both methinks! :cheer:

i do feel proud when i read stories like that, but i kno it must make some mums who couldnt do it feel bad :hug:
Minxy said:
Princess_Puddles said:
I still don't believe it, me and my Brother were breastfed and we're both thick as s**t :lol:

I was bottle fed and am brainy as f**k :wink:

Can't argue with the facts though........ :rotfl:


I guess if your IQ is 75 to start with its not gonna help much!

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