Gonna kick myself


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Every twinge I have just "might" be the start of something and every time I get a cramp I'm like oooooow just don't pay attention to it then it will get stronger - but secretly oh so paying attention :wall: lol!! It's my third baby!!! Wish I never fell over now I could have been relaxing but since they told me I could labour any time from then coz the way I fell I have been getting on off pains and then nothing now I jump at a twinge lol!! I think instead of the texts reading "have you had your baby yet?" or "any signs" I am. Indeed for now. Doing my own head in :rotfl:

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evie you get the gold medal for the longest labour watch :rofl:
You must be so frustrated! x
Can't be nice at all, I'd be the same!
Lol I think I'm more frustrated with myself - thinking maybe if I just relax things will kick off naturally. However then I'm thinking "yea but if was gonna happen it would/should kick off anyway" haha!! just stressing myself out - surly delaying the labour? Or subsequently relaying false pains???? Lol grrr!! Lol

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Actually you being relaxed is more likely to kick it off as being tense/worried etc causes adrenaline which blocks the oxytocin that baby produces to trigger labour. Adrenaline is the biggest cause of labour slowing down and even stopping as, as mammals, we aren't likely to give birth if we feel threatened, afraid, tense etc.
I think my husband should treat me
To a day spa get away in that case my kids stress me and my hubby hahahaha!! Having a nice relaxed day today bet still nothing will happen tho haha!! Xx

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So much relaxing here my son keep demanding mine
Mine!! Lol and more
:rotfl: he then says plllllleeeeeeaaaase and smiles haha!! So cute!!! :rotfl:

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Hey hon, must be tough being on the edge of ur seat like that all the time - big higs and u will be holding little one so so soon now x x x
I have disided. Not that it is 100% reliable to relax and enjoy the time
I have with both of my kids without a newborn crying - easier said than done as when I get a twinge in my head is ooooooh - no just relax and breathe hahahahaha!! But I'm
Getting there relaxed allot yesterday and have to say I really enjoyed relaxing with my Kids and cuddling on the settee as they watched tv and watching them Play and this morning I woke up to a large amount of plug haha so something must be working - plus I know I'm not going to be able to get the time back soon without a newborn and I think it's making me appreciate it more :)

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Thanks hunni I'm in such a happy mood after my "moment of clarity" lol that I can't stop smiling I feel so relaxed now and happy same as yesterday - normally every day I have an overwhelming feeling like i need to get out the house and do something but last two days I'm well happy just being in the house lol not like me but well happy doing it xxx

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Much better and I can't stop smiling today feel so loved :love: it's the most weird feeling haha!! :cloud9:

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