Gone off food


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Any1 else forcing themselves to eat? I was up at half 6,finally managed half a bacon sandwich at half 9 which made me feel sick,then had a cheese sandwich at 3,which has made me feel really poorly,to the point where I couldve sat and cried. It's a combo of heartburn,indigestion,bloatedness and sickness.
Been and bought some rennie softchews which have helped (thanks to whoever reccommended them) now I really can't face any food,just don't want that feeling again.
Settled with a ice cream milkshake 4 my tea...mite have to have another 1...or 5 b4 the nights out!!!! Lol x
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ahh , hang in there Emma , although I am liking your new found diet of milkshakes !

Perhaps try other alkali foods, as perhaps if your getting heartburn/indigestion,which is more acid based and perhaps that's why the milkshake calmed it being alkali
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I'm getting there too - nothing is appealing at all and I have heartburn. Drinking some lemonade seems to help - although I think it just makes me burp and relieves me of wind!
I really fill for you!! I couldn't eat anything while i was in tri 1. I was constantly hungry but everytime i ate something it would come back up! I practially lived on ice lollies!!
Even now i don't fancy food and got to forse myself to cook something! The only thing i want is mcdonnalds and i think thats cos i don't have to cook it lol
i do feel sick but think the key is trying to eat small and often (although i understand that could be very hard for some of you ladies) i just eat what i fancy and have a strange desire for ready salted crisps. I know is old mothers tale but started drinking ginger ale today and found it has settled my sicky feeling a bit xx
yes ginger is very good for sickness as long as the ginger ale has got stem ginger in it like ginger nut biscuits x
i was exactly the same up to about 10 weeks just try to find something u like and stick to it I did but it was mostly junk food!
I am living on raw brocolli, weetabix, marmite on toast and mac donalds cheese burgers. Not the healthiest of diets lol, am looking forward to regaining my appetite for real food! X
I had to force myself to eat between 7 and 12 weeks but am getting more of an appetite now. It will go away, just have what you can at the moment :)
Hey lovely done some research into sickness andsomeone has recommend preggie pops there basicly sour sweets that ou suck and they work? You could always try and sour sweet first to see how it goes but they say they work becUse there sour? X x x

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