Going to a gig?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I've heard about a gig coming up that I really really want to go to. Its a rock gig and has a load of my fave bands playing. Its happening on my birthday which is a bonus too. :dance: The only thing is.....I'll be 35 weeks then! DH isn't sure about taking me cos of noise and the crowds, but I've promised that I'll stand well away from everyone else.

Do you think I should go?
I went to a kids in glass houses gig when I was 36 weeks and was fine although extremely tired and sore after x

You'll be fine, i've been to quite a few gigs most standing, baby moves a lot to the music! went to take that when was 36 weeks, that was standing although i did sit for most of it ....have fun. if you tell the venue before hand u might not have to que either x
Yeh go for it! I was at a drum & bass night at 37+4 and my OH loved the fact that I was his taxi! As he had a few drinks with his family (kiddies birthday BBQ) beforehand, I drove us there, he got drunk, and we stepped out of the club at about 1.30am and into my car and were home in 15 minutes! No waiting around for taxis! Bonus ;)

You'll be fine. I just ensured that I protected my bump with my hands on the way across the dancefloor getting to the loo, and once people realise you're preggers they'll step out of the way. Don't worry about the loudness as baby is well soundproofed where it is. It can certainly hear things but they're more muffled than what we can hear.

I say go and enjoy yourself ;) x
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