Going slow......adivce

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hey ladies,

Ok so im nearly 19 weeks now and i have my 20 weeks scan on the 18th of Jan as iv mentioned to you all about a million times :dance: HAHA

Just wonderin is it normal to feel like you have been pregnant for years?? Everyone keeps tellin me it will fly, but i seriously feel iv been pregnant for ages! I dunno if it just because im so anxious or because i was showin earlier on than i thought i would.

So to all the mummies and ladies who are further gone than me...will it go quicker??

Thanks for your adivce :D

i thought my preg went slow till 20/22 weeks since that its flown!! but i had m/c at 3 months and waited for 6 months to try again so it feels like im having an 18 month preg anyway lol xx
aww bless ya hun. Bet it does feel long for you and so sorry to hear about your m/c. I hope time flys after the scan :)

Iv just been reading the post about the doppler thingy's lol Do you use one? Im thinkin of gettin one after my 20 week scan, but i think if one day i can locate the heart beat i'll panic :(
Would you adivce to get one?

ooooo you dont have long left now....bet ur excited :D

thanks. yeah its gettin exciting nowi think i only started to get excited once i knew that even if i went early baby would survive. my aunt had her baby at 26 weeks and shes perfect, shes now 22 and studying law lol. you know what i use, my SIL gave me a stethoscope which is great. ive only been using it bout 6 weeks so dont know how early you would hear with it. its a real one she got online. i had heard bad reports bout doppler and if i couldnt find HB i would panic anyway. i think once your in your 20wks plus the baby kicks that much that you know its still there lol anyway a chinese and some coke if your worried bout lack of movement gets things going lol xx
Even though it was my seocnd, my last pregnancy dragged too - I think first ones do especially TBH.

I got a rental doppler to use until my 20 wk scan to pass the time and get some reassurance. Once I got to the scan I was getting regular movement so now I wouldnt use one anyway. :)
Haha i read your post about you havin chineese and coke and the baby going mad : D

I Feel The baby all the time :) and the kicks are gettin more frequent now, just would like to hear the heart beat too i think. My friend had a baby at 28 weeks and he is so gorgeous and healthy...hes 1 now and amazing.

I think ill feel lots better when i know what the sex is coz i cant stop bloody thinkin about it!!
Do you know what you having??

nope they wudnt tell me lol but last scan on thursday so fingers crossed. do you wanna know?? baby is breach so might be going two weeks early too which is bad cos i dont wanna section but would be cool to be happening.... lol yeah the chinese was fun i wouldnt recommend it too late tho lol we were lying up watching paranornal activity anyway so didnt keep me up :) xx
Oh hell no that film is baaaad it scared the life outta me haha. I scratched my face tryin to get the bloody cover over my face haha.

Yeah i really wanna no, so hoping beggin and prayin that baby is healthy and is layin in the right position, without its legs crossed haha.

lol wishful thinking .... dont get your hopes up then if they tell uitll be classs. i thought paranormal activity was brilliant and for once they cast the characters excellently cos they looked like the real micah and katie . thumbs up from me :) xxx
It seems to drag on for ages and then when your little one fianlly arrives you feel a bit empty and you miss the kicks and little movements so enjoy it while you can :)
Pregnancy last 9 years rather than months when you're the one thats pregnant lol.

Once baba is born its a whole different matter. They go from gurgling in their moses basket to telling you t go shut up in what feels like a few months!!!

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