Old wives tale....Advice

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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hello ladies,

I went to my mums for tea last night, and i came home with more old wives tales running throught my mind than you can believe and just wanted some adivce on wether you think there all a load of hoo harr or if there infact true :)
I love my mum loads of course and shes been my rock so far...but wanted to check :)

First of all my mum and everyone else is adament that im havin a little girl...
because of the way i have a neat little bump. I lost a lot of weight in the first 12 weeks due to cronic 24 hour sickness...never mind morning sickness haha
and iv not managed to get my bum back yet but iv put on 10lb and im nearly 18 weeks.
So does anyone who has more than 1 child have experience with the way they carried?

Also i've been told by a few people that bad heartburn means your baby will have a full head of hair? Is this anouther old myth?

And the last one...people seem to be telling me as im craving citrus fruits, such as lemons, this means im havin a large baby :( which im already worrying about due to the size of my bump already, but my midwife does think im further gone than my dating scan showed. So i guess ill find that out on my 20 week scan in a couple of weeks. :) whooop so excited for it

Be grateful for your adivce ladies....especially on the bump one.


I thought a neat bump out front meant boy???
oh god only knows lol.

I think it must all be a load of wibble wobble if im honest. Even the bloody women in poundland was sayin to me the other day oooo thats a neat little bump, must be a girl.

Im just gunna have to stop guessin and wait till my scan :) only 2 weeks and 5 days :) :) :) :)

I found out when I was pregnant with Rosie that everyone from the bin man to the Tesco's checkout women likes to tell you how to 'be' pregnant; they also like to say what they think you're having, it gets right on my nerves! I had a complete stranger run up to me when I was 8 months pregnant and put her hands all over my bump - I was too in shock to do anything but I felt violated! Next time I will proceed to touch them all over their belly - see how they like it!

I didnt have heartburn once with Rosie yet she was born with so much thick hair! I dont think there is anyway of outwardly telling what sex the baby is. :)
omg i know what you mean. I live in Leeds and there is a shopping centre here (the st johns centre) i was walking through yest and a women walked up to me and asked me how far gone i was ect...just as i was sayin good bye and walkin away she had her hands all over my tummy...For a family member and close friends i dont mind. My mum for example is always talkin to bump and cuddling it and my little niece who's 1 kisses it and asks it if its cooked yet haha. But i think other member of the public can be quite ubrupt in just assuming its ok to have a good grope of your tummy. I think she could tell i was a bit uncomfortable with it and she pulled away sayin good luck, which was nice :)

Im just gunna wait till my scan otherwise im gunna drive my self insane guessin what the sex of my bubba is :) its enough to drive a women mad haha!

i had a neat bump and a huge arse when i was pregnant with my son and stooopidly bad heartburn...but normal head of hair.

i got told that the heartburn that you get at specific times, is the times your baby will wake u..

i always got heartburn at 3am and 8am.....this was when my weeboy woke up through the night when he was a newborn....

are you wanting to know the sex??

i didnt, i waited till he was born, im wanting to know with nxt one tho lol
Yeah i def want to know the sex :) a few people have sed it will ruin the suprise but i like to be prepared. The heartburn is gettin worse and worse to be honest but it is at night when its bad... xx
I didnt have really bad MS with my girls but it's been less ( I think ) with a boy.

I had heartburn all 3 times. #1 had a bit of hair, #2 had loooads and I'll let you know about this one!

I was told the neat bump was a boy too :)
i hope u get your wish hunni :) how long have you been trying if u dont mind me asking ?? xx
I have to say I think the sickness one is a load of crap. So many people told me that if you have bad sickness you're having a girl, so I let myself be convinced I was. I'm having a boy and I've had awful sickness, lost almost 2 stone, had to have a drip and still not had a single day of no sickness. So have to say for me it's most definitely just an old wives tale. xx
yeah im starting to think its all crap to be honest ladies....just have to wait and be patient xx
but it is quite good fun trying to work it out :)
:D as long as bubba is healthy thats all that matters. Either way it will be a mummy's boy or a mummy's girl :) xx
I agree, it's fun trying to work it out. I spent ages doing online quizes, but they were all wrong too :lol: xx
I had severe heartburn all the way through my pregnancies and both babies were almost bald :rofl:

My bump was all out the front in both though (2 boys) and I didn't gain much weight, but my symptoms and cravings were so different so I'm not sure they mean much...
typical lol i keep having dreams its a girl :) ill be happy either way and going by my pregnancy dreams im not believing any of them...they have been more than crazy :) lol xx

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