going in for the kill...


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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ok so i have my heart scan tomorrow on lil man and im so nervous. my oh is finishing work early tomorrow so he can come with me the only problem is i want my mum there too but i havent told her yet. so gonna tell he tonight. we had a bit of heart to heart about finances cos my dad passed away in june and she finding everything so difficult. feel so scared about telling her because of everything but im 22 weeks and feel i have to now. im absolutely bricking it and know there gonna be a huge row. and everytime i have a good moment i bottle it :-( i am so scared shes gonna flip but i really need her right now. also has anyone had their tooth taken out and does anyone know if its ok to have it taken out whilst pregnant cos my friends dentist wouldnt do it after her daughter was born but my dentist said it was ok...
Good luck talking to your mum, i hope it goes well. I'm sure it will, it might even go a little towards comforting her. My OH's dad died last year, and the difference in him after finding out about our LO is immense, you can see that his outlook is no longer so bleak and theres hope for the future. Your mum might feel the same.

Good luck tomorrow, fx that the scan goes well
thankyou i really do hope so. thats all i want. ive never been close to my parents but i want to be now and i dont want my kids not to be with me. she always used to say if i ever get pregnant before marriage im on my own. but i dont mind doing anything on my own. i want her to see i dont want anything from her. just her to be there plus she'll be lo only grandparent. (my oh lost his parents in jan) so if not for me for him. shes now fallen asleep on the sofa so suppose i have to do it now :-s x
Good luck... do you think she really would leave you on your own if you tell her?
i dunno. you see im asian and catholic so shes quite strict. (even though im 25) she keeps saying it but hope now things have changed itll be ok. and shes got 2 girls so hoping having a grandson will be different for her x
It might be different, it might have been a tactic to try and get you to be careful! I really hope she's thrilled for you. She might change her tune now that she doesn't have your dad, she won't want to lose her daughter and grandchild too. Let us know how it goes, will be thinking of you x
I really hope she is thrilled by your news, a lady I know her dad recently died and she told her mum she was pregnant and her mum was thrilled.

Hope its the same for you xx
I had a heart scan on my LO and a lot of the time it's precautionary! Good luck!
thankyou for the message everyone. still havent told her yet was gonna tell her in the morning but she was stressing about bills and everything. she did ask where we going today and my oh did say oxford but she left it at that :-( think i might lead with that. my oh also thinks i shouldd write her a letter but not too sure i just wish i found it easier to talk to her, and we have become closer since my dad died but think part of me is scared to lose that too. but on a better note babys heart scan went well. the doc says he was a good baby cos he had his back facing us so was in a perfect angle and oh heard his heartbeat for the first time so was pleased. do have to go back when im 28 weeks though just as a precaution. think cos i had a hole in my heart when i was born the chances of any children i have of developing it or heart problems has gone from 1 in 100 to 2/3 in 100. but she says he seems perfectly normal and did give us full view of his face at one point like he was saying leave me alone. think hes gonna be a moody so and so like his daddy can be :-S
My LO had his back to us and they said it wasn't a good angle :s maybe they were checking for diff things tho! Sounds like you had a better appt than me, my mum was with me (first time she'd been to my scan) and the doc didn't even show her baby. All we saw was his spine :(
Glad the scan went well at least. You'll know when it's the right time to talk to your Mum x
Glad the scan went well, hope you find the right time to talk to your mum.xx

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