My tooth's snapped :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
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I was in the cinema today and my tooth just broke off. I'm going to ring the dentist tomorrow and see if he can fit me in.
Has anyone else had this? My mother says its because the baby has taken all my calcium and to drink more milk but this never happened with my first pregnancy.
I'm a little scared to eat my dinner now cause I can feel this hole (shudder).
Owwww! This happened to me once but I wasnt pregnant at the time. I was eating a biscuit and just felt it break off.

Tell the dentist its urgent cos you need it sorting out as soon as possible :)
my MIL lost her teeth 18 mths after having hubby and twin brother and she says its bacause the boys took her calcium...worth trying to increase your dairy if you can.
:shock: OOOOH!! My tooth hasn`t snapped, but one of them has gone really sensative and wrecks if i have hot or cold or chocolate.
I spoke to one of the dentists at work and she said that dental problems are common in pregnancy cos the blood supply to the gums is affected due to hormonal changes and that after the baby is born, things should go back to normal.

I know this wont help to mend your tooth though sorry. :(

Good luck at the dentist, let us know what he says. :D

Jane XX
Ah thanks for all the advice.
Yea I thought it was probably the fact I haven't been drinking as much milk as I probably should. Just in work if you leave milk in the fridge you'll never get to drink it cause everyone nicks it to make tea (cheeky sods lol) so I tend to just drink water instead.
I'll start making an effort in future.
I hope my dentist can fit me in tomorrow though cause i'm in work Tuesday and Wednesday and I don't want an abscess (hope I spelt that right) to form or anything especially as i'm preggers and can't take medication or pain relief :shock:

I'll be good from now on I promise teeth just don't all fall out now. :pray:

aww hun thats aweful hope they can fix it for you .
Well i've just been to the dentist to have it temporarily filled and after christmas they are going to put a cap on it.
It would have cost me hundreds of pounds but as i'm pregnant the Government will be pick up the bill. :cheer:
They are so lovely. I'm lucky to be on the books of a NHS dentist.
oh god im sorry to hear that! i had a dream last night that evryone of my teeth fell out! im dreading anything like that happening! xx

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