Going back to work advice.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Hi Girls!

Me and the OH are looking at moving out and renting, this will hopefully be in August when he will be on Summer holiday.

But the problem we are facing is do I ask work if they will take me back part time in January, and them still let me stay on Mat Pay until January so we can know which area we can move to.

We work in different area's and they are not close to each other. So we have the choice that we can move close to his school which is high in price, or we can move to where I work at the moment still high in price. But if work can't take me back part time we could move somewhere better for our money and I can try and find somewhere to work part time. We want to go down to one car as I will be going part time and can't afford them both. He needs it more than me, as he has to take school books everyday.

But what I am worried about is that we don't know which area to move to, and if we move to where I work then they don't take me back, so I don't want to know if they are going to take me back to let me know what to do in our life.

Hope this is not as confusing as I am writing it to be.
I had the agreement for returning part-time before I had gone on maternity leave so I personally don't see a problem asking them now tbh
At least you can make a better decision on what to do
I'd send a written request as to what hours you wish to work, send it recorded delivery and ask for a written response within 14 days, briefly outlining why you need a swift-ish decision.
I THINK they legally have to consider any request to work part time. Not 100% sure on your rights tho.

They do have to give you a good business reason why they wouldn't
depends on the employer! Some exercise their right to only give you an answer 8 weeks before your due to return! they may not make the decision or give you an answer this far in advance. But I guess you can only ask.

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