Glucose Test


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I had mine this morning to check for diabetes and I couldn't complete it cause I threw up everywhere ha ha!
They made me do the 2hr test where you fast for 8 hrs have 2 tubes of blood taken and then the vile orange drink. Nearly threw that straight back up but managed to hold it fr a while and get the 2nd blood test an hour later. After that is where it all went wrong, felt really faint and sweaty then puked all over the floor woops! So they couldn't do 3rd blood test as it wouldn't be accurate, such a waste of time.
I've now got to go back next week and do another test instead where I don't have to fast and only 1 blood test. Why couldn't they just give me that to start with, it's not like I'm high risk for diabetes? Its left me feeling really weird and I can't stop pooping either lol.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Hope you feel better soon!

Mine is in a few weeks but is slightly different. Fast from 10pm and then 9am next morning have blood taken then drink the drink, wait two hours and then another vial of blood.

I'm dreading it because I'm usually a fainter when it comes to having blood taken and not having been able to eat beforehand will make it that much worse.
I hope yours goes better than mind did Frankie, I think it was the hit of sugar that effected me more but the blood loss didn't help!
I've got mine on the 27th! Hope it's not too bad! I can't eat from 9pm, got my appointment at 8:15am, blood taken, drink lucozade for 2 hours then more blood taken! Totally not excited about not being able to eat :(.
It will be the high sugar content of the drink they make me feel sick as you have to cane a lot in a short space of time and the tummy upset will probably be from the sugar too hun they use a crap drink not the lucozade brand i have found x

25 weeks pregnant. Team yellow too hope to find out peanuts sex on 26th march x
Oh no sounds awful! I have my test in 2 weeks, I'm ok with having blood taken but dreading being sick after having the drink now xx
sorry Im gonna apear really thick here but Im presuming everyone gets this test?it sounds awful xx
I'm not sure, I have been send for it by my consultant because my bmi is high, so I am at risk of getting gestational diabetes. Got the opinion I wouldn't be sent for it otherwise. I think it depends on whether or not ur pregnancy is classed as high risk or not xx
I'm having this test at the end of May because I'm at higher risk of gestational diabetes due to carrying the twins. I've looked at my appointment letter, though, and it says nothing about fasting, allowing two hours for the appointment, etc. Did your appointment letters say anything to those of you who had to fast?
I already have gestational diabetes so get to skip this test x but hey i been on drugs and monitoring my sugar since i found out i was pregnant x

25 weeks pregnant. Team yellow too hope to find out peanuts sex on 26th march x
They test everyone in the US I think, found out I have anemia though so now on iron supplements :(
I had mine 2 weeks ago, I had to fast from 9-10pm and then go in at 8.45 they took a load of blood gave me the drink, 2 minutes later I passed out for 10 mins!!! woke up to a midwife, doctor and consultant all trying to wake me up lol, turns out as I don't eat a lot of sugar except the odd bit of choclate, the sugar rush the glucose drink they gave me wasn;t good :), I managed to make it to the end of the 2 hours though :) turns out my levels are normal so yay me lol :)

I don't think this happens to everybody, and I think they only check ladies with a High BMI as we would be more prone to Gestational Diabetes than 'normal' weight people :)

To all the ladies going for the test try not to worry, if you do have any of the symptoms above just let them know they are used to it :)

I've got my test in a couple of weeks, mine is due to me having immediate family with type 1 diabetes. Not really looking forward to it and now hoping I don't pass out or puke :) xxx
Not heard of this test, sounds yuck! Is it common to ge this test? I don't like the sound of it!!
Urgh. I have to have this on Wednesday because my Dad has type II diabetes. I am of normal weight and generally healthy. Not really looking forward to having to hang around the clinic for two hours whilst my blood sugar goes crazy...

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