Glucose Test? what to expect


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I am due for a Glucose test on friday. In my letter it states that i could be there all day?

What should i expect?
Hi hun,

Ive had a Glucose Tolerance Test and it only really takes an couple of hours.

You basically give some bloods and then are given a really sugary drink. After 2 hours they take more bloods and you can go home.

As far as im aware they anaylse both your before and after blood samples and if theres a problem they contact you either via your GP or by letter. You dont have to wait for your blood results or anything so gawd knows where they got "you may be there all day" from. Unless ofcourse theres a long wait at the blood testing section. At my hospital they do all the women for GT tests first thing in the morning so your not waiting around for too long and you jump the queue when your 2 hours are up.

Mine was pretty much the same as JustJen 's, did you mean a gestastional diabetes test, by glucose test?

I had a GTT test, basically I was told not to eat from midnight before it, the appointment was at 8.30am but didn't get seen until 9:00am :bored: They took one small vile of blood, then drank a small white plastic cup of sugary stuff, which was lovely after not eating all morning hehe

Then I had to go entertain myself for 2 hours, so take some things to entertain yourself with hehe Then at 11:00am went back for another small vile of blood to be taken, and that was it. The hospital then rang me the next morning with the result, but I don;t know how it works where you are so ask on the day, they will let you know how it works :)

Don't forget to take all your notes in with you, and very best wishes :hug:
yeah its basically what the other girls said unfortunately i have got the gestational diabetes but good luck hun anyway :D :D :D :D :D :D
I was the same as the other girls, except I got the results the same day. Had to drink a measured amount of Lucozade. Bit sickly but not too bad. Test took about 2 hours beginning to end.
Mine was a little different as I'm in the States. I wasn't allowed to eat for 3 hours before and as soon as I got to the apointment I had to drink a bottle of sweet liquid and then let them know when I'd finished. One hour after I'd finished the bottle, they took my blood. They called wit the results within about 1 or 2 days!
Same here, Although I had to have 4 blood tests hourly and was there for .....yup 4 hrs!!!!!, and the drink they made me drink was VILE!!!!!, it was like pure glucose mixed with water and I was gagging :puke: :puke: at the end of it. got the results next day.

oh and it was just my doctor gets all his patients to have 4 tests!!!, to be on safe side he says but as we have to pay for them it's probably a money thing! :think:
I've got one of these on Monday, I had one about 8 weeks ago too.

I think the worst bit is not being able to eat anything!

Oh, and the drink is absolutely rank but thats just my opinion :lol:
Hi Ladies
I've got my GTT test next wednesday and I'll be 19 weeks 4 days pregnant. Is this a bit early to be having the test?
Also my appointment is for 9am and I know I can't have anything to eat from midnight the night before but can I still drink plain water?
I don't know if it's too early or not babyroo, sorry, but yes you can drink water :cheer:
Very best wishes :hug:
I cant eat from 10pm the night before, not midnight :?

I think they do a routine GTT at 28 weeks but you also get one if you have glucose in your urine, despite how many weeks you are :)
Sorry not be on the interent for a while. Had the test this morning all went well and waiting for test results on monday.
Can I ask why you are sent for such a test?

Does everyone have a test, or are you feeling unwell or giving them some reason to test you?

Pea x
It's because my dad is diabetic and i could have it. When they did the blood test i came out at a 7.0 and the nurse said oh very close. I just pray i'm not.

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