give me a kick up the bum plz!!!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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ok nothing to do with ttc (apart from getting my body fit for a baba) but i just joinned the gym again and tonight is my 1st spinning class since going back, im already having cold feet and rather snuggle on the sofa with a cuppa tea.

give me a kick up the bum plz i really need one!!!
BOOOOOIIING! (that was your kick up the bum sound effect - a la cartoons)

Go hun, you'll enjoy it once you're there! My mate does spinning and she loves it!
OUCH!!! lol that hurt but its what i needed lol. might hava cuppa then get my gear on. doesnt start til 7.15! so an hour to rev myself up
Yep, once your there and doing it, your leave feeling on top of the world and glad you went.
(now please someone kick my arse in gear coz I haven't been swimming for 4 weeks now.. runs and hides)
That's the problem with a 7.15pm class - you get all settled down for the evening before it starts!
Not that I'm one to talk you understand - I don't go to anything!

Mind you I do walk our two crazy dogs most days so that probably helps. However, as a friend pointed out to me the other day, you can tell which arm is my 'dog walking arm' as it's twice the size of the other one :lol:

Not quite kick up the bum but best I could find :lol:

You will have fun once you are there. :hug: :hug:
Are there any sessions you can go to in the morning? When I used to go to the gym reguarly it used to be before work in the morning. Saying that I am only going once a week at the moment. So I can't talk :rotfl:
Sorry i dont have photo shop or a picture of you even if i
but that scene always makes me laugh, i thought it might give you some energy :lol: :lol: :lol:
getting my bum to the gym is one thing, getting my bum to go to the gym in the morning is a totally different matter!!!! lol
ahh my bum really hurts..not from the kick...but from the bloody saddle!!!!

the instructors at the gym knew i left in may because i was pregnant and when i turned up last night u could see that they were a bit shocked to see me but they were nice about it anyway.

body pump tonight!!!

need a kick up the bum for that too plz
dina.marie said:
need a kick up the bum for that too plz

KABLAM! More cartoon-esque sound effects to help you on your way. I haven't been to the gym for ooooh about 6 years now... oops! :rotfl:
Well done for going - make sure you get out to body pump as well.

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