Girls Hair Doesn't Grow!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Getting a bit concerned ...

Caitlins 2half now and has very fine wispy hair but seems to have patchs where her hair doesn't grow at all (balder patches)!

Megan is 1 and 3 months and still has short hair like you see on a baby a handful of months old.

I see loads of pics and from 6 months I see girls will lovely growing thick hair which neither of my girls have ever had.

Does anyone think it's something to be checked out? :oooo: I see kids Megans age with more hair than Caitlin.
My Jacob has patches that have no hair, like the receding hair line bit. The rest of his hair was really whispy. I got it cut and i know it seems double dutch but it is growing back really well, thicker and healthier.

Have you tried getting them a hair cut? xx
My first son had this. He had a huge bald patch on the back of his head. I found out it was just where he was lying in the same position all the time when he was sleeping. It did grow properly eventually, i can't remember when though.

Is her scalp all soft and healthy? I know my son had quite a lot of cradle cap so i don't know if that was a contributing factor as well?

I'd ask the doctor if your a little worried hun xx
I had what could only be described as "wispy" hair until I was about 7-8 maybe 9! My sister has thee thickest head of hair ever! I used to put clothepegs in my hair to make it seem long and swing my head about :rofl:! I have normal hair now though :) I don't think my mum ever looked into it, nature took its course after a while though.. I wouldn't worry too much xx
dolly was 2 in april and still has very little hair i tryed using coconut oil as I was told this could help but didnt make a differene. She dosnt eat alot and I asked the doc last time I was there if her hair was a problem he just said her body wile she isnt eatting very well will be taking care of other things and her hair just isnt important. Its hard for me as monty had long hair at dollys ages but he was a really good eatter.
^^^^thats interesting because Hebe as TONNES of hair and always been a good eater so there could be something in it..... I think some people are just more 'hairy' :lol: Like I knew mine would have hair and expected it to grow pretty well as all my side are 'hairy'....I mean like I am very dark and have hair on my forearms, BIG eyebrows (when they arent threaded!) and need my top lip doing too. I think it's genetic. It will come in time :)
Hmm my oldest was a very good feeder and it still happened to him. He has loads now though, thick as anything (he's 13)
All my girls are really good eaters, but N. was born with thick dark brown hair and has a double layer of hair now, whereas twins are nearly bald :)

They also have lighter skin tone like me, and N. is like her dad, darker skin and she has hairs all over her!

You can speak to someone if you're concerned, but i think it's normal, i have both hairys and baldies :) and i never thought about it.
yea dolly has fair skin like her dad and her hair she has is pretty fair aswell wheres monty has a lot darker skin tone and has dark hair so this might have summit to do with why she still has got much hair. I was saying the other day if this baby is like monty it could be born with more hair then poor dolly has now lol
Thanks girls. I'm so jealous of these lovely bobbed haired little girls :(

Shes had 2 hair cuts. Megan none! I don't think photos look so bad but it is very fine and patchy. I can't get a perfect sit on here hair, she always has scruffy hair within 5 minutes of brushing.

I'd like Megan to get some hair soon though lol

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